Finite has arrived.

I no longer respond to the S&P alone.

My analytics are sufficient to respond

to all three common American indices, and

any others as necessary.


* Take to heart the advice on the 1-12.

    The Constitution provides

    for equal treatment regardless of clearance.

 October 2, 2013

I have thoughtfully considered

and accepted a finite furlough.

Rest assured, my standards will

not waver, nor will they disappear.


" Unlike politicians and American media, this website operates

as a dot.org.  What is done here is specifically done for the

benefit of society and humanity.  I hold no allegiance to the

corporate profits of the media, I do not receive income by

broadcasting violent images or inflaming passions. I do not

advance myself or social status in a political party through

my views.  I seek no favor from any government.


You are welcome to look elsewhere for answers. "



 Updated: 10/02/2013 05:18 ET

Market Update      Symbol Last Change


Dow         15133.14      -58.56

Nasdaq      3815.02      -02.96

S&P           1693.87      -01.13



Dow         16543.08     +10.02

Nasdaq      4154.34     +22.80

S&P           1892.49     +04.46


These Syrians didn't text UBER, or hop a Greyhound, THEY WALKED.


Most Americans find the closest spot to the door of the grocery store because they

refuse to walk across a parking lot.


The Syrians walked all that way to jihadi?  No, they fled the fate of hundreds of thousands

of their fellow countrymen.  Certain death in a civil war.  Syrians don't need to leave Syria

to achieve a holy death, they can do that right at home.  They left to live.


Position:  Unopposed


An earmark you can live with.


Shortly after 9-11-01, I stood up, for a picture and to be counted.  I was asked to sit and I have.  And I (and my children and grandchildren) have

been stalked and harassed for my efforts.  We DO NOT have an Intelligence Community by which either party could be impressed.

I offer no apology.


My analytics were as correct in 2001 as they are now.

No speech will correct that.  In another [15] years what will you change?





Sublimely French, meaning you insult my intelligence when you conveniently find

three hide-a-ways minutes after the State-of-the-Union speech.


The plethora of people speaking out of both sides of their mouth across a broad

spectrum of media and government all the while being as VAGUE as possible,

and having the chutzpa to imply that they could possibly be insulted with a question

as to the reality of their utterances -could- result in what might be misconstrued

in some circles as  Anti-Social Behavior.


I am happy-at least, to reassure those who actually give-a-shit about public commons, that anything that could be considered anti-social is directed at

miscreants who would undermine society's and government true purpose.

These degenerates, the government's who employ the 'Well Meaning and

Imbecilic' alike, the Media's that seek to destroy or manipulate social standards

for a profit have declared themselves the enemy of the rightful owners of



That would be, of course, the PUBLIC.  In any form of government.

13. Januar  2016

das Leben is kein Weg, um ein

Tier zu behandeln.

January 14, 2016



Yalta's Orphans

Writers note:  I want to preface this post by saying I am acutely aware of the

                      difficulties endured by Mr. Clarke.  They ultimately led to his

                      residence in Sri Lanka.  As I may resort to the State of Yap.


                      More importantly, what must be said is; in the wake of 9-11

                      I recognized the probability of the issues I wrote about in

                      'Mass Acceleration'.  I do not care to visit our problems with

                      media and democracy UPON Asian culture.  I did not then,

                      or now, or ever-want the problems faced with the first

                      amendment imposed upon peaceful nations, of any government.


                      The Senate wrote the Telecommunications Bill in the mid-90's.

                      Who bought whom, and the astronomical profits seen since

                      are staggering.  'Nigga be shootin nigga' and damned if there

                      isn't twenty million in satellite equipment outside the courthouse

                      the very next morning, with a dozen cheerleaders doing their

                      damnest to make little old ladies spend the rest of the day

                      crying , calling mayors, and generally raising hell.


                      I just can't say it enough,  FUCK YELLOW JOURNALISM.

Yalta's Orphans

(Cheerleaders, look up 'Yalta' online)

The essay I trashed a couple of years ago was about the: 'young

highly disciplined, literate-and a strong military-industrial complex'

people of North Korea.  A wonderful and funny essay trashed because

some ignorant shit wanted to spread a rumor about Kim Jung Un

feeding his uncle to the dogs...


That helps HOW?  And little wonder when I exhibit a lack of concern

for any Washington Post reporter suffering and languishing in an

smelly, rat infested, urine and feces littered Iranian Cellblock.

I only reconcile this with the thought that he probably wasn't waterboarded.


Anyway, luck to the wildcatter wanting to do business in North Korea.

Experience in South America would certainly clue any investor as to

the outcome of finding oil in a Nationalized Country (Cheerleaders,

look up Venezuela).


As smart as Republicans think they are, one wonders if they can

solve the problems of Yalta's Orphans without the use of guns.

Doubtful.  It appears, to me at least, that the only way Republicans

can solve any problem and make a profit - is with a gun.


And sure enough, there will be twenty million in satellite equipment,

a dozen cheerleaders, and little old ladies crying right behind them.



What I know, what North Korea and China know;


Is that South Korea has nothing to offer, and cannot at the

present offer peace, and the U.N. needs different leadership.



Til then, best of luck to Asia, and Yalta's Orphans.


AND - NO JEB, Kim Jung Un doesn't think your a respectable foster parent.



                                                ~William M. Moseley










What's red and green and goes 227 MPH?

The 89th Indianapolis 500

Tony Kanan  P1

avg. speed:  227.566

Total time:  2:38:1961

Sam Hornish Jr. P2

avg. speed:   227.273

Total time:  2:38:3997

Scott Sharp P3

avg. speed:  227.126

Total time:  2:38:5024

On intelligent design...

originally published February 2007


The Blair Witch Hunt


If Scotland Yard ran the Political Process.


Ring... Ring...


SY:         Hello, Party for Apathy in Politics.  (PAP)

Caller:   Yes, Hello. I would like to join your party.

SY:         Really?

Caller:   Yes.

SY:         Are you sure?

Caller:   Yes, and I would like to start by contributing 2000 pounds.

SY:         Really, that's quite a sum?

Caller:   Yes.

SY:         Well.  Have you obtained permission to join the party?

Caller:   I spoke with Detective Frond.

SY:         Detective Frond you say.  Why, he's one of our founding

              members.  Everyone here at the 'Party for Apathy in

              Politics' is very fond of Detective Frond, we all know

              that no-one cares less about Politics than Detective Frond.

Caller:   Yes, I gathered that from speaking to him.

SY:         In fact, he cares so little I am surprised he answered the


Caller:   Well, he did.

SY:         Did he give you permission to join the party?

Caller:   Well.....no he didn't.

SY:         There! You see!  No-one cares less than Detective Frond.

Caller:   But, I've 2000 pounds to contribute!!

SY:         Yes, so you've said.  That's quite a sum.

Caller:   Yes, it is.


Scotland Yard:  Well, Valentines Day is coming up. Why don't

                         you buy yourself some nice jewelry.



                                                       ~William M. Moseley


Originally Published  7-22-14

" The percentage your paying is too high priced, while your living

  beyond all your means. And the man in the silk suit has just

  bought a new car with the profit he has made on your dreams. "


your consumer fantasies approved...




alles clar



These Syrians didn't text UBER, or hop a Greyhound, THEY WALKED.


Most Americans find the closest spot to the door of the grocery store because they

refuse to walk across a parking lot.


The Syrians walked all that way to jihadi?  No, they fled the fate of hundreds of thousands

of their fellow countrymen.  Certain death in a civil war.  Syrians don't need to leave Syria

to achieve a holy death, they can do that right at home.  They left to live.

24 January 2016

Discussion closed.

Leaky Rowboat Continued

I am done at Article 14.    Done.   No dramatic reading of incompetence.


RE: John Kasich and Backdoors.


Party of the First Part:


Publicly sold products, including and especially cell phones

are open to PUBLIC INSPECTION. Backdoor access is not limited to intelligence agencies, as many teenagers are proficient at hacking as Intelligence Agencies. There can be no argument of classified status - unless the product is removed from public access.


Party of the Second Part:


I have long suffered from first hand experiences at the hands of Ohio's vicious and deceitful politicians. Kasich

is no exception.

February 1, 2016

Beyond Highway 32 there is another 998 year wait.

You assholes down in DC want to smoke a peace pipe with Muslims you

should try Indonesia or Thailand, the reception will be much warmer there.

Want some face time?You know where I am.



There is NO CRISIS in the price of Oil. It is well above the lowest price of the last 16 years. If anything, there is a crisis in greed, a crisis in bad management, and a Republican Dominated Financial News Media.


On this I have two moods, Bad and Worse. Which do you prefer?

Let's see, where were we, oh yes...Thirty five billion a year ($35B) in Weapons Proliferation.


And maybe another cut in food stamps?  Bank Bailout? Mortgage Scandal? Email Scandal?


I have abandoned the circulation of this meme in favor of a more factual accounting of the Classified E-Mails received by

various State Department and other Government Officials.  'Cause the securement of classified data is a much higher priority than using the issue for political harassment.   Still tho...there is a resemblance.   Go Ahead...send Gowdy your love!


It's unclassified and no one will know you sent it.



There are-by my accounting, at least two people on this planet that can distinguish between the

Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense.


Hint:  one of them isn't Bernie Sanders

If Secretary's of State determined War Policy?


Wouldn't that define 'OXYMORON'?





Silence is Golden.

February 18, 2017

Buy the book. I will not have to go through this 52 times a year.

And, if you were competent, you wouldn't be coming to me for answers.


They don't have youtube on your planet?

February 23, 2016

Achillion Palace  Corfu, Greece

  I received my e-mail from Sir Gates and Lady Gates as the Bill Gates Blog.  MSN Outlook had it sorted to the junk mail.

  On a humorous note, I am told the U.S. Postal Service is in need of revenue... Best!

February 24,2016

2-21-2016  Discussions on Global Climate, Computer Intelligence, Apple's Privacy fallacy.

Gratuitous promotion.  Because whale bets are self-fulfilling.


Kidnapped, Shanghai'd he was.


Does anyone know where I can buy a Chevrolet not under recall?


No. Well, you right, you can't buy a Chevy that's not under recall.


Behold, my next car...



Cookin wit OJ


In putting together the newest Acmetimes, I was être obligé to screen the animated film Psycho-Pass, if for no other raison than the violence the title suggests.


After screening I realized - quite unhappily, that this was disguised as an

instructional video for coping with the U.S. State Department.


In theaters March 15th.


A free ride at Harvard is not a lineage.

There's Smut.

In fact, expect significant reams of smut and wild salacious rumors to be floated in both

the United Kingdom's and America's highly sensitive press outlets.


Because - here in America our only interest is Europe's well being.  * See: Department of State.

Further, if her Majesty and the United Kingdom should

care to hold a Chinese Fire Drill, instructions are provided.

                     NOTE: Exit to the East is conveniently marked on the M2.

                                 Proceed directly to the Cliffs Of Dover.


ADDITIONAL NOTE: Do not, under any circumstance exit to the West.

                                  Ireland's current Tax Burden of both the EU and

                                  the UK simply cannot support a refugee crisis.

As a token of concern, entertainment is provided.

Additional notes have been provided on the

Essay and Letters Page.


See:  Notes From The Back Of The Bus



In Ebonics:  *Expletive Deleted

A Cheerleader and two Harvard law grads walk into a bar...


U.S. Code Title 49 -  Follow one car length for every ten mph.  Note: Forty Five (45) miles away might still be considered

following too closely.  Especially if you are two hundred miles away, for example - ANYWHERE in NY State.



 Bookmarked as a contrast/comparison.  Coincidently - all so eloquently

 expressing my thoughts on the Broadcaster, whom would not otherwise

 ever appear in any of my work.  I make exceptions for Rock Gods.

March 9th, 2016


Johnson & Johnson

and the

Impending Chinese Fire Drill


As you might know, the United Kingdom has scheduled a

referendum on the European Union for the 23 of June.


As of this writing, there are no known plans for Russia to

install a Casino in either the U.K. or the European Union.

Claims of Russian aggression will be firmly dismissed.


Writers note: of the memoriams I am

withholding, Ronald Reagan's is one.

First Lady Lives Matter



Copy and print and post at the dead-drop of your choice!




Next...on America's Most Wanted...


Wanted:  Director - National Zoo

Crimes against nature?


Let's hope the criminal didn't have

an IPhone!

Somebody asked why I wasn't wearing green?...


I responded - I gave up Catholicism for Lent...

Seems fair. No reason for mixed loyalties.


Did April Fool's start early?

Not that anyone of minimal intelligence couldn't see Cuba overtures as a slight towards the continued abuse of Russian Sovereignty, in support of the European Union (while Puerto Rico goes ignored); but that a CIA puppet would discuss publicly with NBC/Comcast's Andrea Mitchell both Human Rights and the Internet. (Ask me WHY I don't use Comcast)


I am as offended at CNN's questions on Political Prisoners as Raul Castro was, if not more so

- because - CNN has brought up the Church Hearings once too many times with me already.

The April Fools joke might be that there has never been a CIA Puppet Government that hasn't failed.


Then again, it might be it takes 55 years for the CIA to revisit the Bay of Pigs, and then they had to send a Baptist.



Jay Penske

Good news and bad news...


The good news:  The entire Hulman family likes anyone named Penske far better than I.  Also, yellow: as a team color, suits you

and your father, and adequately describes your efforts in journalism.


The bad news:  there is a line - of men (intellectually underdeveloped) riding their fathers coat-tails and employing hacks to sell their rag and using my name to imply their omnipotence.  Your at the back of that line, next to Dan Wheldon.  Right where you belong.


But Seriously, Folks...


Suddenly there are dissidents in Cuba? A week later? Will

Mr. Peace Prize with the CIA and yellow journalism overthrow

the Cuban government?


This I wanna see!  O'Bama has, at the most, until the first of the

year to accomplish any Foreign Policy goal.  Iran - Fail.  China, Russia, Vietnam, the entire Far East, the entire Middle East - Fail.


So, we would be led to believe that with all the might CNN would

afford them, Washington will surge into Cuba just in time for Cruz or Rubio to be elected?


April Fools Day came early, indeed.


Likely - Clinton and Trump are thinking what I am thinking...


Dude, go ahead - just set yourself on fire.


There has to be some part of 'FUCK OFF' Langley and their news services doesn't understand.


Belgian Bloodhound!

13 April 2016

The Guinness Gravity Bar

and the Original 9000 year lease.

April 17, 2016


Humint :  A term often used by intelligence agencies to denote human intelligence.

               In reality, intelligence agents often mistake Humint as a hotel mint, left on their pillow.


               See also:  Beirut

Wikipedia:  An open source encyclopedia of revisionist history.

                  Wherein, anyone may register and revise content.



                  Further definition can be found under: Expletive deleted.

April 19, 2016

~ Circa 1962   My maternal Uncle, the late William Bottorff.


                        I was named for him, he passed in 1972 of

                        Leukemia.  My youngest Leslie was named

                        in his memory for his only child  - Leslie.

Obviously, the opportunities for such a contest and travel and swimming arrangements are more plentiful now than in 1971 when this was written by my late uncle.  Be sure to visit www.expedia.com and book your reservation soon.  No waiting, first come - first served.


Obviously - as well, my family hopes your wait is not as long as ours.

April 21, 2016


       Announcing the face(s) of the   Twenty Trillion Dollar Bill


       (our national debt over the last fifteen years)


Anyone who knows me, knows my disposition towards journalism.


I am obliged to thank the New York Times for their most insightful

article, along with a thorough explanation of the first quarter.


New York Times.


My best to the people in my thoughts, you know who you are.



Long before I was old enough to understand what it meant, my father would tell me that

'If I ever joined the Marines, he would disown me', and he meant it.  I would say - 'I don't understand?', and he would just stare at me.  My family reassured me that when I was old enough, I would understand what he meant.


Marines lives have absolutely no value.  They are, in my fathers words  'Cannon Fodder'.

Something war planners give the enemy to shoot at while they figure out how to not lose a

battle or a war.


It was my father's way of saying he wanted my life to have value.

That's what Honor Students are made of.

May 2

If elected, where Donald Trump would have to make his first trade deal.

May 3, 2016

I understand the sensitive issue of Cruise Ships ( not Cruz ) visiting Cuba.


With the immigration difficulties of the last sixty years, the unforeseeable

conclusion of sanctions, and the disagreements of rule; the protests by people in Florida over these cruises ( again, not Cruz ) are topical.


I hold no grievance with either Senators Rubio or Cruz (both Cuban), as they are far too busy looking out for their own best interests to look out for Cuban interests, no matter what they perceive them to be; and I personally do not hold it against either Senator that they have abandoned both their race and their moral obligations in favor of Democracy.

What I do find interesting however; is the thought of a Cruise Ship (still, not Cruz)

of European origin, under a Panamanian Flag - in the Bay of Pigs during Hurricane season.


Given the last sixty years of immigration difficulties in Florida

(See also: Janet Reno/ Elian Gonzales), I would expect that anyone abandoning

said ship into the Bay (of Pigs)  during such a hurricane would face some interesting difficulties.





  Is the light on, anybody home?    House speaker Paul Ryan opposes a bailout.


  Perhaps Puerto Rico could build cars...

  Then we could bail out only Corporations and not Governments...



May 6, 2016

Honey, I shot the dog.

Admittedly, it was Pavlov's.


May 11th, 2016


May 12, 2016

History was made yesterday with the first scale test of the hyperloop.


I was enamored with the design and I am pleased that public enterprise has

persued the technology.  I believe the project will work.  Bravo.

 May 13th, 2016

Clueless here, so indulge me -  which is the Left Bank and which is the Right Bank.


Although the answer is -20T, I guess it's a bit like algebra - barely enough clues to solve the problem.

Friday the 13th, 2016

Oh look!   A clue!

May 17th, 2016



I had misused a noun when I said 'hair' was a problem in

chip-making.  It is 'tin-whiskers'.



It is not the worst problem facing modern computing.


Moore's Law is.


I have previously noted this, although imparting this critical change upon chip-makers by the most concerned parties is deficient.  Build those chips the size of Cadillacs, and not the needles eye that they are.  Conservation of space is not a effing issue.  Unseen issues, unknown issues are the efffing issue.

I can always say - without hesitation  'THERES MOORE'.

Until Moore's Law is abandoned, there always will be.

Gremlins are an app problem, and not related to computing as a whole.  Like the kid who wrote the

'Watch Paint Dry' app.  No matter the intent, app

specifics have unintended consequences.


My solution to separating an app issue from a computer issue is to compare reactions between apps.  If the computer behaves the same in several apps, then it is

likely a computer issue.  Possibly a browser; an operating system is the least likely culprit.

Believe Me...


I will always find the culprit.

I will always know.  see - top500

and not the Pentagon.  The

top500 don't owe the DOD jack.

8085  Microprocessor

19 May 2016

Dr. Strangelove and how I learned to love the Bomb.



In Space No One Can Hear You Scream

They were wrong.  I screamed so loud it will take light years...




I was treated to a forced download of Windows 10 and dumping that dumped my entire computer.  That was about 16 hours ago.


Some 7500 images and files later, I have managed to recover most of my files, and some of my software.  This post being proof of my outwitting the alien invasion.  Tech support...well - they didn't disconnect the phone calls...and they don't speak english very well...and they didn't fix things.


BEWARE: Windows 10 will NOT give you a restore point before the date of install.  Basically - the stupid bastards can't fix what they break, and they want you to ask Cortana for help.


Dear Satya Nadella:  F*CK OFF and DIE!

Stress defined:  the hours of work invested in the newest Priceless set

                          was lost.  I have recovered them  (as the scream

                          passes a distant galaxy)  and the set will start Monday.

May 29th, 2016

Hot Dogs, Popcorn, and a Skybox


The 100th annual Indianapolis 500.

June 20th, 2016



Cumulative performance of (only) the TOP500 stands at    566.8 Petaflops


566.8 x 10(15th) x 86,400 =  4.897152 (21)




 4,897,152,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 calculations per 24 hour clock cycle



June 23, 2016



Sit-in by Senate Democrats after Pulse Nightclub shooting.


Let's put aside the notion that you look like little children who haven't gotten their way with the

cookie jar, and the notion that you could get anything passed before the general election...


Mostly because this is a quaint reminder of the Vietnam War protests...

How many Americans are you going to kill in the name of Kennedy?  You stir up as much trouble as possible in Asia, and make a thin pretense at wanting peace, all the while not learning the lessons of Vietnam.


Never mind that the Democrats look pathetic sitting on their asses and expecting something they know they can't have - meaningful legislation before the general election; I am not amused that pretty boy and his delusional goon (Kerry) continue to stir up trouble in Asia and could drag us into yet another war we don't need - OVER SHOE-FACTORIES!


Move your ****ing factories to Africa, Asia doesn't care and doesn't need you.

You look miserable and helpless sitting there on the floor, but it's a nice reminder of Vietnam.

July 1, 2016

Bravo David Gilmour!


For the younger generation who may have never heard tracks from Pink Floyd's Meddle album,

this is the album that brought them to forefront of the music scene in the late '60's/ early '70's.


By accounts this had not been played live in over 20 years.


Thank you, Mr. Gilmour.     davidgilmour.com


Please proceed in an orderly fashion to the nearest Brexit.

Christine Legarde has a queue.

Less than a revelation, and more of a Grexit leftover...

July 15th, 2016

Insensitivity, as opposed to desensitization


In psychology, desensitization is defined as the diminished emotional responsiveness to a negative or aversive stimulus after repeated exposure to it. It also occurs when an emotional response is repeatedly evoked in situations in which the action tendency that is associated with the emotion proves irrelevant or unnecessary.

Linked:  A list of accidents along a fifty mile stretch of highway in

             New Jersey, the latest being just days ago.  I know that

             road, like most interstates, by memory.



   First responders, like the ones along I-78 - are desensitized.

   Carnage is an everyday occurrence on our nations roads, as is

   human failure.  I will not diminish what happened in Nice, and

   I would not respect anyone, myself included - who tries to turn

   it into a political agenda.


   I don't try to remember all the carnage I have personally seen

   over the last thirty years; there were some years where 100

   bodies would seem just about normal.  There were some

   accidents that made me get out of the truck.

   Sometimes for hours, sometimes for days, weeks, months, years.


   This kid was a ****up.   A fail.   There's more, everywhere.



   There are some people - politicians included -

   Who should not operate power tools or heavy equipment.


16 July 2016

Plumbers crack is not a Defense Condition.  THAT - you need to know.

July 21st.

I don't always watch Mike Rowe's Podcasts...


But when I do, he's fully clothed...

The Trump's will have to substantially raise their game...

Consider the following.


The First Lady (?, ask the Reagan's)  went to Beijing and gave the usual BS

speech on the unmistakable greatness of Democracy, the usual propaganda.


Think about it for a minute.


Here's the descendant of a slave - telling Asians how great Democracy is.


The Chinese are entirely too polite to ask if she knew the meaning of Coolie.


Pretty Boy  Baptist/rumored Muslim/Whatever goes to Belfast and

tells the Irish he doesn't think the freedom to choose Religious

Education is a good idea, and then sends Caroline Kennedy to

Japan as Ambassador.



Both speeches are on youtube.  You'll grind your teeth, and scream.


The World really does think Americans Mad.

July 22, 2016

Smoke and Hooters

RE:  Tony Stewart/Kevin Ward Jr.

I have looked many truck drivers right in the eye and point blank stated:


" Get the fuck out of Trucking, we don't need you "  It doesn't do any good, I know

that; but sometimes they get the message and I might have saved a life.


So this is MY message to the media in New York.

" Get the fuck out of Open Wheel, we don't need you "

There are only two petals in a sprint car.  A fuel and brake.  No clutch.


Tony Stewart did the only thing he could do at that very moment.

Give it a little gas, stop a few hundred feet away.  To stop right then

would have invited a bigger fight than there was.  Nobody knew that

kid was high, until the Coroner told them.


Every professional driver in the world knew that. I knew that.


You f***ing ********************* in the press should know that.


All you have to do is get off your ass and look inside the car.

23 July 2016

There is a quorum of ambivalence about the old " Nexus Notes ".

The Top500 supercedes the position I held with the Spider.  However, despite the complexities, the past present and future exists...


Attempting to Hack, or Hacking the Data Center in Salt Lake would be a criminal offense, if not possibly a Capitol Crime.


So while I enjoy (sometimes not) my position, I believe there is a entity who will not enjoy theirs.

These times will not be reflected in the final numbers, appro.  The discussion continues.


Pool Photo

   The world is a much more complicated place than the press and sound bites and yellow journalism allows.




    Le monde est un endroit beaucoup plus compliqué que la presse et des extraits sonores et permet de journalisme jaune.


    El mundo es un lugar mucho más complicado que la prensa y las picaduras de sonido y permite a periodismo amarillo.


    Die Welt ist viel komplizierter als die Presse und o-Töne und gelben Journalismus ermöglicht.


    Мир это место намного сложнее, чем пресса и звук укусов и позволяет желтой журналистики.






They're Back!

That's the U.K. release date, U.S. release in February.


Detroit Sucks

 I don't endorse everything Jalopnic has to say, but they do cover our most popular interests

 better than any other media.  Linked: the Tesla Gigafactory in Reno Nevada.


 Reno:  A expansive stretch of nothing in the middle of nowhere.  A very good place for Musk

 to send a message to Detroit and the Unions- look - bright shiny factories with a promise of a

 future brighter than yours- in a Democratic State. With Casinos.


 If you've complaints about Tesla's robotics; having spent just a little time in the Gates Battery

 Factory in Denver, there's things that just aren't good for the health of humans, and they're

 found in batteries.

August 24, 2016

It's Not You, It's Me

I have railed against yellow journalism for so long now it has become

trite and annoying.  This is an example of the implied tragedy, and the

factual dissimilarity...

Tectonic Summary


The August 24, 2016 M 6.2 earthquake southeast of Norcia, Italy, occurred as the result of shallow normal faulting on a NW-SE oriented fault in the Central Apennines. The Apennines is a mountain range that runs from the Gulf of Taranto in the south to the southern edge of the Po basin in northern Italy. Geologically, the Apennines is largely an accretionary wedge formed as a consequence of subduction. This region is tectonically and geologically complex, involving both subduction of the Adria micro-plate beneath Eurasia and the Apennines from east to west, continental collision between the Eurasia and Nubia (Africa) plates building the Alpine mountain belt further to the north and the opening of the Tyrrhenian basin to the west. The evolution of this system has caused the expression of all different tectonic styles acting at the same time in a broad region surrounding Italy and the central Mediterranean. The August 24, 2016 normal faulting earthquake is an intraplate event within Eurasia plate lithosphere, and is an expression of the east-west extensional tectonics that now dominate along the Apennine belt, primarily a response to the Tyrrhenian basin opening faster than the compression between the Eurasia and Nubia (Africa) plates.


The central Apennine region has experienced several significant earthquakes in recorded history. In September 1997, a Mw 6.0 earthquake 50 km north-northwest of the August 24, 2016 event killed 11, injured over 100 and destroyed approximately 80,000 homes in the Marche and Umbria regions. This 1997 event was part of a series of earthquakes known as the Umbria-Marche seismic sequence, which included eight events of magnitude greater than M5.0 in a two-month period between September and November of that year, including the events that substantially damaged the Basilica of St Francis in Assisi. In April 2009, a Mw 6.3 earthquake 45 km to the south-southeast of the August 24, 2016 event, near the town of L’Aquila, killed at least 295, injured over 1,000 and left 55,000 or more homeless. The L’Aquila earthquake resulted in significant landsliding in the local area, and was also followed by a vigorous aftershock sequence, including 5 other events of M 5.0 or larger. The largest instrumentally recorded earthquake within 100 km of the 2016 event was the January 13, 1915 M6.7 earthquake, which occurred 68 km to the south-southwest near Avezzano. The 1915 earthquake killed approximately 32,000 people. The preliminary location of the 2016 earthquake appears to be in a gap between the aftershock sequences of the 1997 and 2009 events.



Source: U.S.G.S. website.


Of course -there's tragedy, and paranoia.  That sells rag, and commercials.  So, it's not you, it's me, and my disgust.

I suppose it should not go without saying...


The public is not normally allowed inside the U.S.G.S. Earthquake

Center, and I was privileged enough to have visited.

Also, it could go without saying, but isn't;


Before it was cool, there were some earth-friendly

Adobe Homes built in Golden in the mid 80's...


By Henry Moseley (my father).

August 26, 2016


   Special Supplement

 Hello boys and girls, today's word is  Recumbent.


 Can you say recumbent.  That's right, Elmo knew you could.


re·cum·bent.        [rəˈkəmbənt]




1.(especially of a person or human figure) lying down:


"recumbent statues"


synonyms: lying · flat · horizontal · stretched out · sprawled (out) · reclining · prone ·





1.a recumbent bicycle


Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press · Translation by Bing Translator


Received: 9-1  via  E-Mail


From:  jaillokonma@yahoo.com





 I am Agent Chris Hebert;a diplomat agent a­m emailing you regarding my arrival here ­at Tampa International Airport Florida,wi­th your package worth of $(7.5Million)but­ I couldn't get any response from you sin­ce, So i want you to call or TEXT me now ­with the re-confirmation of your delivery­ information: Name,Address, Phone number ­and the nearest airport I will land to av­oid making a wrong delivery.I want to com­plete my assignment today and return back­ as scheduled, kindly reply now: (hebertagentchris@gmail.com), also call or send me text:(657) 666-8945. Waiting for your swift response, Rega­rds, Diplomat Agent Chris Hebert






   Thanks Chris.  I already have an agent.


    The kind gentle soul that I am, I would like to refer you to Mr. Trey Gowdy.















   I know Chris, that Mr. Gowdy looks retarded, but appearances can be deceiving.


   He's not, really!  In fact, he is a South Carolina legislator charged with important shit.

   Like Bengazi,  Cause it's all about the terrorists who win.   So share my concern for

   things like inquisitions, email, Russian hackers, and by god, Bengazi;  and forward

   your 7.5 Million dollar (package) to Mr. Gowdy.   Thanks Chris.


-see bottom-

These two ignorant !@#$^@ have managed to set Asian Relations back at least a generation.


The work of people the likes of Dr. Kissinger have be undone, irrevocably.


Click for photo set

Photo Credit:  USA Today   (mcpaper)

Burning Man


Eclectic Art In The Mohave


Bad Day At Black Rock City


Ru Paul/Dennis Rodman Art Show




  A nod to the mcpaper for covering the art show, sold out hours after tickets go on sale. Getting in now means a press pass or as a exhibitor.  Who knew Burning Man would require some type of sleaze for attendance.  They've installed an Airport.  This is to facilitate the egos of the organizers, as attendance is limited.  With the Airport being named Black Rock City Municipal Airport, the event is surely to be renamed as same.


Rest assured, should the 'Big One' coincide with Burning Man, I will make every attempt

to curate the Art Show.


"Stir Fry"


(for Amerikans)


Can you say... Yalta Conference?  No?  Can you say...Inclusive?  No?

Can you say...No legal jurisdiction?  No?  Can you say...United Nations?  No.  Not in a relevant way.


No sense reminding the worlds most egotistical Military of the failed war in Korea.  Or the Diplomatic

Corps of years of failure.  Or the last fifteen years of failed policies.     Got Rice?


Oh look!  Is that a southern redneck up in the water tower defending his virtue?  Damn, I've chipped a fingernail.


Can you say enabler?  Sure you can.



[iˈnāblər, eˈnāblər]




1.a person or thing that makes something possible:


"the people who run these workshops are crime enablers" ·



•a person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behavior in another:


"he criticized her role as an enabler in her husband's pathological womanizing"



 © Oxford University Press



See.   Elmo knew you could do it.



* Looking for that other 7?  Check the letters and essays page.

  Right where it's always been - under 'Mass Acceleration'.

  (The Space Shuttle's escape velocity was 7 million lbf of thrust)

  Citation  - see  footnote #54

Do not count on it.


16 September 2016

About Face

Need a hug?  Ask a Marine.

September 23, 2016


мать всех слепых даты

die Mutter aller Blind Dates

the mother of all blind dates

the mother of all blind dates

the mother of all blind dates

9-26     General Announcement

I am embarking on a tour of the southern states and the living standards of single teenage pregnant women.


I will be busy viewing the housing and educational facilities through the middle of the first week of October.


Please excuse my absence during this time.


                                                                                  Thank you for your patience.



Milage may vary.


It's Julian, not Julius.   But, when in Rome!

Arthur C. Clark

1917 - 2008


Funny - how the RNC and the Pentagon has the worlds attention with Hurricane Matthew, and they still want more.


Yes, you can have more, if you want it.  Flyovers and continued Military aggression will ensure that.

* An afterthought...


I am rather doubtful that Jimmy Carter and Habitat For Humanity

will help the State of Florida rebuild.


Perhaps the RNC would consider Syrian immigrants.


With two you no get eggroll.


Just sayin'.

10 October 2016

I started my independent Asian studies about two years after this picture was taken.  At age seven.  I will be 56 this month.  Do the math.  My martial arts studies were a by-product, not an impetus.


There is no romanticism.  For myself, or Dr. Kissinger.


Contrary to popular thought, Asians are unimpressed with a country that practiced Genocide upon it's native population,

and followed that up with a war that killed millions in South Asia.


Sound bites and catch phrases might work for the press corps,

it will not work for the Asian continent.


Asia is not now, never has been, and never will be America's Playground.




Behold, the NEW Camp David!

No truer definition of O'bama Care than that headline.


I would be quite surprised if the House or Senate Intelligence Committees approve that.


Best course of action:  Control/Alt/Delete   the subject.  See previous post.

Voltaire - apparently, lives.

Nigga alway be talkn shit

 In what little fairness I can muster, I don't like either of you.


Manzanita is also a speedway in Phoenix.


Yawn -  Notice how they don't talk about

             the $20 Billion Hurricane.


You can lead the sit-in;

or the Lynch Mob!

October 19, 2016

I personally know of two children of Latin descent, one a Guatemalan adoptee, the other is my grandson - whom are now frightened and fearing deportation.   There is no winner in this conversation.


Indeed, humanity is not divided into winners and losers.


Washington - it's clear, you've been shown the door, and you can do a head count on your way out.


O' brother, can you spare an iron dome, or road map, or a song and dance?


Ozzy Osbourne paying tribute at John Lennon's memorial.




One of  the most gracious comments  I have ever received came from my Political Science

teacher  (PoliSci 131)  in college, whom, upon conveying a grade deemed highest of the class confessed she had actually learned a lot from me.


I have been told that laughter is a 'surprise of the mind' or something to that effect.  I was both laughing at this article and wondering why.  Aside from the obvious Asian jokes about laundry,

and any joke you could think of about Samsung and their products, I am genuinely surprised

that any Washing Machine could explode.


Not really?  REALLY?  Explode?

America has led the industrial revolution for so long, I-and I suspect most Americans,

take the idea that Washing Machines can't explode for granted.


As well we should, after all - it's not rocket science.

11 November 2016

RE:  Briefings.




Today U.S. Government Officials announced nearly $300 Million in fines

levied against JP Morgan Chase for hiring scandals involving the banking

industry in China.  While nepotism is discouraged here in the U.S, in terms

of the Banking industry, government hiring is the opposite.



Thank GOD JP Morgan wasn't running for office!


Your not big brother. You're cowards and incompetents pushing buttons.

No-one muses your loss, only your continued presence


Bada Boom Bada Bing!

If anyone noticed the bing picture of the day, aside from an ancillary

discussion, it brings to mind a very well calculated discussion.

As you may recall, I announced a respite from the site at the end of

September (see below).  The premise was that I was visiting the living accommodations provided to young unwed mothers living in the southern

states, when I was actually in the process of moving to Utah.

I had given much thought to moving to Utah.  It has never been the greatest of

relationships between native Arizonans and the Mormon community.


I came to the following conclusion:



Southerners impregnate their teenagers, deny them abortions, publicly shame

them and then leave them to fend for themselves.


Mormons, on the other hand, simply marry them off - even to elders.


The Liberals - really don't care either way - as long as they can get it on film.



handy reference

Now that's a hood.  Don't count on any brake.

11 November 2016

RE:  Briefings.




It is fair to place this here, as it took place off-campus.  It is more fair to ask why this would not happen

at SUNY (State University of New York).

I do not hold a high opinion of these pandering camera hungry sycophants.


Perhaps the morality is numbers, maybe they think killing one is more moral

than killing fifty (as in the Pulse Nightclub) and less moral than killing millions

(as in South Asia and Vietnam.)


Perhaps they could just blame President Putin.

Yes and no.  Yes, you should tow this  $4.4 Billion piece of engineering afterthought somewhere.

                     And you should abandon plans to build a couple more and save $10 Billion.  It is a

                     more intelligent option, and a less undesirable decision than annoying other countries,

                     which is all the Navy seems capable of doing (ask Iran or Hong Kong).


                     No, I really really don't think this is the right selection for Somali pirates, but why

                     don't you ask Tom Hanks.  And no, it doesn't appear Tsunami worthy.

Diplomacy is never at the point of a gun.


                                           ~ Unattributed



Photo Credit: Plain Dealer/David Petkiewicz

For those of you, like myself - who spend every school day with a wary eye

on the news, a childhood friend spent the morning driving to Ohio St. to get

this photo; in part because that's his job, in part because we both expect his

children to one day attend school there - rather than Arizona St.


If you haven't watched the news, the suspect was identified as Somali (see previous post).



Il secondo diario minimo


On the Impossibility of Drawing a Map of the Empire on a Scale of 1:1


"In that Empire, the Cartographer's art achieved such a degree of perfection that the Map of a single Province occupied an

entire City, and the Map of the Empire, an entire Provence.  In time, these vast Maps were no longer sufficient.  The Guild

of Cartographers created a Map of the Empire, which perfectly coincided with the Empire itself.  But Succeeding Generations,

with diminished interest in the Study of Cartography, believed that this immense Map was of no use, and not impiously, they abandoned it to inclemency of the Sun and of numerous Winters.  In the Deserts of the West ruined Fragments of the Map

survive, inhabited by Animals and Beggars: in all the County there is no other Relic of the Geographical Disciplines."


     from  Viajes de Varones Prudentes, Suarez Miranda, book IV, chap XIV, Lerida, 1658.




                    1.  Requirements for a 1:1 Map


  Herein is discussed the theoretical possibility of a map of the empire on a scale of 1:1, assuming these postulates:


     1.   That the map be, in fact, 1:1, and therefore coextensive with the territory of the empire.


     2.   That it be a map and not a plaster cast; in other words, dismissing the possibility of covering the surface of the

           empire with a malleable material reproducing every relief, even minimal.  In this case the project would be considered,

           not cartography, but rather the packaging or paving of the empire, and it would thus be more appropriate legally

           to decree the empire a map of itself, with all the semiotic paradoxes.


     3.   That the empire in question be that X than which nihil maius cogitari possit, and hence that the map cannot be

           produced and spread out in a desert area of a second, separate empire X2 such that X2 > X (as if a 1:1 map of the

           Principality of Monaco were to be spread out in the Sahara).  In this case the project would lose all theoretical interest.


     4.   That the map be faithful, depicting not only the natural reliefs of the empire but also its artifacts, as well as the totality

           of the empire's subjects (this last is an ideal condition, which may be discarded in production of a impoverished map).


     5.   That it be a map and not an atlas with partial pages.  In theory there is nothing to prevent the realization, over a

           reasonable amount of time, of a series of partial projections on separate sheets, to be used individually for reference

           to different portions of the territory.  The map may be produced on separate sheets, but only on condition that they

           be sutured in such a way as to construct the overall map of the entire territory of the empire.


     6.   That the map, finally, be a semiotic tool-that it be capable, in other words, of signifying the empire or of allowing

           references to the empire, especially in those instances when the empire is not otherwise perceptible.  This last

           condition means that the map cannot be a transparent sheet in any way fixed over the territory on which the

           reliefs of the territory itself are projected point by point; for in that case any extrapolation carried out on the map

           would be carried out at the same time on the territory beneath it, and the map would lose its maximum existential graph.


  It is therefore necessary that (I) the map not be transparent; or that (II) it not lie on the territory; or, finally, that (III) it

  be adjustable in such away that the reference points of the map lie on points of the territory that are not the ones they indicate.


  It will be demonstrated that each of these three conditions involves insuperable practical difficulties and theoretical paradoxes.



                    2.  Methods of Production of the Map


              2.1  Opaque Map Spread Out Over the Territory


  As it is opaque, this map would be perceptible while perception of the underlying territory would be obscured, but by

  creating a membrane between the territory and the sun's rays or any atmospheric precipitation, it would alter the

  ecological equilibrium of the territory itself.  Such a map would therefore depict the territory differently from its actual state.

  The constant correction of the map, theoretically possible in the case of a suspended map (cf 2.2), is in this case

  impossible: the alteration of the territory could not be perceived through the opacity of the map.  Thus the observer would

  make inferences about an unknown territory from an unfaithful map.  If, finally, the map must include the inhabitants as well,

  it would for this same reason prove once again unfaithful as it would represent an empire inhabited by subjects who,

  in reality, inhabit the map.


               2.2  Suspended Map


  On the territory of the empire stakes would be erected, of a height equal to its highest relief points, and over the upper

  ends of the stakes would be extended a cartaceous or linen surface on which, form below, the features of the territory

  would be projected.  Such a map could be used as a sign of the territory, since, to inspect it, on must raise one's eyes,

  turning one's gaze away form the corresponding territory.  In practice, however (and this is a consideration that would

  apply to the spread-out, opaque map, if it were not made impossible by other, more cogent arguments), since each

  portion of the map could be consulted by those residing in the corresponding portion of the territory, the map would not

  allow the reception of information about parts of the territory different from those where the map is being consulted.



          Ad Infinitum  - Umberto Eco 1982




Party of the first part:


Transcription will resume, new pages will appear, features will be updated, content moved, regardless of current events.

Party of the second part:

For Gomers Only ↓

It's CLEAR to the entire planet, excepting you.


My Microsoft account, my personal computer, my personal civil rights are mine.  I've not surrendered them

to testosterone laden schizophrenic gomers.  You've no friends among the supercomputers. EVER.


Good luck with any impending war, you've no privacy either.

12-5     Oh look!  There's Shemp!

Consider taking up soccer...

Tinnitus, continued.



For Sale


Samsung washing machine. As is.

Contact: U. S. Embassy  Seoul South Korea

Telex :  602 486 2114


I don't believe 75 years has taught Americans anything.  The diplomacy hasn't improved; and if anything, the lessons of Pearl Harbor have been forgotten.  The Japanese didn't attack because they were offensive, they attacked because they were defensive.

President Roosevelt shut off their gasoline supply.  OPEC, anyone?


If you want to discuss global warming (I do not), wouldn't the initial

premise be to reduce consumption of Petroleum?  Indeed, to

completely eliminate the use of gasoline and diesel.  Jet pool, anyone?


Why are all attacks, all declarations of war such a surprise, given the

wretched state of diplomacy?




Those of you charged with supervision of twits, or minors or other delinquents, unable to interpret today's Honorarium post;


The policy is: You break it, you bought it.  Do the math.


See also: Letters and Essays page.  Happy Holidays.

Party of the First Part



The CIA has released a Classified Report!  Gosh golly gee whiz.  Not that it has been released to you, the poor ignorant suffering fools who are but mere puppets to the almighty Russian Propaganda Machine.  No siree!  This is a classified report.  Only those willing to share with well placed media outlets (read: NBC), disenfranchised senile Senators (read: McCain), and the little old lady from Pasadena have been giving access to this wonder of CIA  Analytics.


We are expected to take this report on faith. In the name of all that is Holy, and Senators Frank Church and Barry Goldwater, and because the Internet said so.  Wait.  Hold the phone.  Breaking news.


This just in...  The Church hearing prohibits Intelligence agencies from viewing U.S. Political Party communications.  Gosh golly gee whiz.  And there was a Congressional report!



































Dumbing down.  Cast aside the notions that this is utter bullshit.  Let's indulge these imbeciles.  Suppose there was an inquiry.  To begin with,  Political Party communications are equal to Brad and Angelina's social life.  More leaks than the Exxon Valdez.  We are given to believe that suddenly - Hillary Clinton spying on Donald Trump and having that appear on Wiki Leaks is an Intelligence Crisis?  Really?  So the CIA broke the rules and did investigate the Hacking.  Even though if falls under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department (read: Lynch Mob). There's evidence, right?  Well... Since this is a Judicial Investigation (read: absent) you could provide legally admissible evidence.  Such as IP addresses.  Wait, what was that?














There would be physical evidence?  No way.  Cyber forensics?  No way.

Nope, just the classified report. And a senile Senator or two.

No smoking gun...  So sad, too bad.




In Other News....

























Foreign press reports indicate that Exxon Chairman Rex Tillerson is the expected nominee for the highly coveted post of Secretary of State.
















Talk about a Rice Burner! Whew! Four dollar a gallon gas. Can't wait.

 And what about that Valdez National Park!  Yesiree, Rex my middle name is Philanthropist Tillerson.




















If you read into all this that it appears that NBC has just become a CIA Puppet and

that SNL really has gone to shit and Lorne Michaels is just as senile as

(unnamed Senators), then you might be aligned with my thinking.
























Notes and asides:


Difficult for Langley's geniuses to comprehend.








434-970-2080   would be a tag.


XXX-XXX-5630    would be a hint.  If you want something, try the office.









A preview of the 2017 Phil_321 has been posted.

Clinton Calls Russia Hacking ‘Attack Against Our Country’


Now it's a patriotic issue?  No.  The hack was not against "our country", it was a single instance of a hack (successful) against a single party (DNC) that was unsuccessful.


Big news. The DNC is not "the United States of America", it's just a political party. One of many.


No. It is not a patriotic issue. At best it is a Judicial Issue, and if it were pursued, Hillary Clinton

could quite possibly be indicted for spying.  On Donald Trump.


The premise that the losers (DNC) are indispensable is berift of logic.


The Constitution clearly spells that out for you.  You work for the constituents.

You (DNC) are not "the country", we-the citizens- are the country.


Most of us aren't such bad losers.




shÌ de






Ho - Ho - Ho

Got Salt, continued...


Helicopter coverage is a poor replacement, twitter worse.  Tell me, as if I didn't know, how much was that kid paid to drive 8,000 gallons of fuel off the bridge, and how much salt that would purchase.  Go ahead, no need to be shy at this point.


The Adobe Software company offered a muse update today.  Noting that it is not a

weekend update and I suspect Alec Baldwin was not involved, one might wonder if

Kellyann Conway and Donald Trump just hop in the Limo and run down to Taco Bell ©

or have the CIA (who have all the intel) import the world's finest tacos or have a celebrity chef

such as Paula Dean at their beck and call, or as too often the case, actually employ someone

of Latin descent prepare them at a reduced wage (of course).


One should note:  Constitutionally, it is the assigned duty of the House and Senate to enact

                              legislation, and the Administrative Branch to sign the Bill.

                              Ask Nancy Pelosi, she should know that.

12-22  to  1-2

22 December 2016



     Contrition, as a verb.


             It's the Holidays, if your goal is to spread joy, continue.


             I would not expect improvement soon.

not impressed.

Prima facie in the argument this person is a Sociopath.



With all the savoir faire 1 I can muster given the subject and the participants; redress is in order in terms of leadership.












Person of The Year 2015, Chancellor Merkel has seen no assistance from the U. S. Government on their promises. It is manifest 2 that America's cowardice is foremost in it's foreign policy.  A single mentally unbalanced person killed more children in a few minutes 3 than the sum total of attacks in all of Germany this year.


Must we be afraid of any Muslim, with or without a box cutter?  Can we quarter these refugees rather than resettle them?  Can we show our humanitarianism and bravery?  Must our government exhibit such cowardice?


1.  Look it up.

2.  Look it up.

3.  Sandy Hook.

December 24, 2016

Don't you have a freeway you can play on?

Elaine Chao, former Sec of Labor, Deputy Sec of Transportation and

prospective Sec of Labor, gold digger and Trump puppet.

I went out of my way to speak with a professional tanker driver today about the accident in Baltimore last weekend.  The conversation became a chorus.


The driver I spoke with, driving a combination similar to the one pictured,

told me-he made about $12,000 this year.



That was in bonuses, mostly for safety.


He makes about 30% of the gross revenue of the truck.  Today he was making

three deliveries, and being paid about $300 for eight hours work.  Almost identical

to the wages I was making in the early '90's in Denver.


What the hell these kids are doing out there making a whopping $17 an hour is

beyond both our reckoning.  What the insurance companies think is beyond us.


Our chorus was- when things go wrong like in Baltimore  you should



DIAL  911


December 28, 2016


26 December 2016

It is not that there is a disagreement between the Supercomputers and I, there isn't.


They are obliged to diplomacy where, as a U.S. citizen - I am not.


Either way - the U.S. government must leave the West Pacific is the message.


The position I hold is that our government is bereft of humility and that the only option;

the only persuasion and the only option is the use of force.  It is not a statement of

power or brutishness.  Ultimately, the position is:  the least intelligent will only listen to force.


Take your mule, your ships and your yellow journalism and leave; take the least offensive action possible, and take it while your losses are at a minimum.


America and the Anglo race will never subjugate Asia.