This page is titled for the California Raisins commercial using the Marvin Gaye song.


The page is the equivalent of No-Mans Land - the distance between the Officers Club

and the Enlisted Club.  Something I was warned of as soon as I was old enough to walk.


Appreciate that.   Because there is no love in that statement.

5 September 2017

Charisma isn't all that.


Visiting another dead rock every 48 years or so isn't a admirable trait.




May 26, 2014








Mass Acceleration






   Governments cannot compete with or reconcile with the yellow journalism that pervades not just the


   media in general, but is and has focused on geopolitics.  This is magnified by inept attempts by many


   governments to make media appearances to correct this, and in at least one case, a government that


   attempts to take advantage of this, and fails badly.  There is little that can be done about irresponsible


   journalism when it holds the governmental process hostage.  If there is to be no intellectual attempt


   to legislate a solution then one must face the inevitable conclusion that media interference in government


   affairs will certainly lead to less suitable international relations and less suitable governments.




   One would argue by reason: Terrorists do not engage without media coverage. Terrorists get media


   coverage, the media sells soap, and governments go bankrupt attempting to correct the situation.




   For China the issue of control over the media is not an issue, yet.  Within a


   decade it will be.  China cannot merge with Democracy without sacrificing


   some of the standards it currently enforces. This is a known factor, and has


   been, at least here, for some time.  With Democracies, this is a much different


   issue. Although the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, it does not


   address the problems faced more than 230 years later. And no amendment


   can correct that. Monarchies are free to do as they choose, and have, as yet,


   done little, even in defense of dead schoolgirls whose phones have been hacked.




   What is to be done to ensure peace and governmental liberties?


   The answer is simple, and again, has been known here for some time.




   All governments will eventually, at some point, see the wisdom of managing their own media;


   with the wisest choice being the management and control of their own networks.




   *It is not implied nor should it ever be inferred that China should abandon it's peaceful society


   and peaceful government in support of increasingly violent Democracy.  While yellow journalism


   persists in accusations, at no time in China's 5000 year history has it shown aggression to the


   outside world. To the contrary, a Wall stands in place to ensure aggression does not invade them.






   Reason is dead, long live broadcasters.




                          ~ W. Marshall Moseley




   Pathetically, both the Terrorists and the media have flourished under American Leadership.




                           ~ W. Marshall Moseley


Over and over and over and over and over.  Every single nutcase that comes along gets

all the press they could want.








This concludes planned posts for this page.

Circa late 2012

4 September

Enablers "R" US


Twitter and yellow journalism will only feed this clusterfuck.  What

should be done with that?  Nicki Haley's remarks would be

credible if only the DPRK were anchored off the California Coast.



If unilateral actions were the answer, why would this page exist?



I will post again at 1550 EDT Tuesday.  Go figure.

The DPRK actions on 2 September will be long remembered.

Yankee go home is now the DPRK's  second worst nightmare.

It's a holiday: eat, drink and be merry - for tomorrow...

3 September

Interim remarks


Korean Bar-B-Q was not on the menu in Asia as of Friday.   It is very unpopular on Sunday.


A very important distinction can be made:  The DPRK is not Mongolia.  They do not share the same friendliness.


Effectively, the DPRK just bit the hand that feeds it.    While Russia's posture is defensive in the DPRK's favor (or was), Asia's is not.



A positive benefit that can be taken from this is the collapse of the shaft.  This terminates testing.


I expect discussions between Asia and the DPRK.  One way discussions.

2 September 2017

Aggregate  4:46.223,  286.223


Gravity  32.2 fps2

Now let's add two and two, cause like Marvin says, it takes two.


660 + 40 = 700

Notation:    I am fine, I will be fine on Sunday and Monday etcetera.


I am on top, PERIOD.



I am aware of who is not on top and I sleep alone.

So, if I am awakened, I will know before you do, Period.


I cannot tell you to relax, that's refutable.  I can tell you it will be addressed