A new page has been added just for you and your fragile ego.




               Media Personalties frighten you


               Pissing contests affirm your inferiority complex


               There is no loyalty test


               This page is all about making   'Merika  great again.






               Mostly because the real fruitcakes aren't released until December.


Very sad, indeed.   Get rid of this SOB!


A idiot would take Trump at his word.  I am not an idiot. Nor should you be one either.  Speak up!


Speak up with an Ethics Investigation.


And no, I don't see much difference between psuedo-innocent gun waving lunatics. (See previous post)

The real ethical question is not Trump's, but ours.


How many National Tragedies must we endure (or allow Trump to create)

for his personal agenda to be met?


At a very very early age, my father (USAF CMSGT RET) explained to me " Niggers come in all colors ".


Trump can be a nigger to his neighbors in Florida, he can be a nigger to the constituents, but he is not my nigger.


Fuck you nigger.

The Original Chain Migration


Because a bloated zealot (Trump) shows up 526 years later (1492)

is not an indication that chain migration isn't working.


The Entire Mormon Community is built on

chain migration into Utah and again out into the World.


The history of the United States of America

is built on -Chain Migration.




As a native Arizonan, I do care what Senator Flake has to say.

I resent the Administration's efforts to sink a Republican Compromise.



Evidence Sub-mitted

October 12th, 2017


Go ahead 'Merica, admit your failure.


It is time to dump the Trump.


Here's why.

That's not a "winner".


This is unprecedented in terms of the Executive Branch.  It is a blanket abdication.


Lose this loser before he does any real damage.

Ask the real question, what does Leadership look like?  Not him.


I had previously said, 2016 is the election is one that at least - I would like to forget.

Come to terms 'Merica, Trump lasted about nine months. It's his time to go.



Essentially - If the President cannot administrate or abdicates Puerto Rico,

                    what could America possibly owe Donald Trump?   Nothing.


The Mother Of All Blonde Jokes

Congratulations, you have disproved Adolph Hitler's premise.



Authorship.   The practice of naming legislation after it's author is, essentially yellow journalism.  That's

(fake news) to the monosyllabic.  If it were an actual practice, we would have the Jefferson/Adams

Constitution.  Less frightening than a Republican Constitution.


In that thought, who wrote your acceptance speech?  You know, the one from November 7th.

Because then we could call this Administration: the _ _ _ _ Administration.

Somebody had to have written it.  Too eloquent to have been written by you.



The Affordable Care Act, despite it's shortcomings, is actual Legislation.  More of a Constitutional Mandate

than the Republican Party has offered in the last eight months.


Speaking of mandates - this landslide election that the Republicans won;  did these little geniuses

actually vote for you to take their health insurance.  If they did, was it because of the author of the

previous bill?



Actually, I just wanted to say we already knew the G.O.P. is out to lunch.




Tune in tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel.







Good news, bad news

First, the bad news,  'The Leader of the Free World' (sic) is monosyllabic .


But, there is good news.  The most complex word in the sentence has four syllables,

an adverb that best describes the subjects.


Could we use the adverb to just go ahead and deport Trump, saving America the legal fees?

7-13              The revaluation


I know who Kim Jung Un is, and he's no Jim Jones.


We interrupt the regularly scheduled pissing contest to restate:



Anglos will never be allowed to settle Asian Affairs.


No, China does not have to ask. Not me, and not DC.


I know who Henry Kissinger is, and Trump is no Kissinger.





We now return you to the lunacy that is the Republican Party.