

Inconvenient Truths, continued.




HMV  (hold my vodka)

Those nasty old Russians are corrupting those innocent Englishmen.

August 28th.








                                                                         Stories abound when you are one of the most celebrated drivers in racing

                                                                         history.  These stories, fact or fiction become more real when Mercedes

                                                                         builds a car in your honor.  Such is Sir Moss's legacy.  Truly voluminous.



Moss raced from 1948 to 1962, winning 212 of the 529 races he entered, including 16 Formula One Grands Prix.



My story comes third person.  Accelerating into a cloverleaf, Sir Moss began a power-drift and decided to entertain

his passenger with a cassette tape.  Reaching across the car (while in a power-drift) he opened the glovebox and

inserted the tape into the player.   Chewing gum, anyone?



January 16th.

Peruse Dakar 2020 (Saudi Arabia) media at your leisure.

January 6th.

@#$@% CHAMP #$%&%@

December 15th.

August 31, 2019


             As much as Liberty Media thinks they control their images and their sport (?), they should answer for their actions.


            When you bring people like Max Verstappen, the youngest driver in F1 history into the sport, and use video to attract

            viewers of a similar age group, IE - targeting youth, you become something more, you become cult-ish.


            I disagree with the presumption that the video is privileged.  You are using media to attract viewers of an age group.

            You are also selling in-car footage. To the same age group.  So you are not telling the full story or the truth.


            You just selling thrills.

This photo shows Hubert moments before he was speared by Correa.

Liberty Media sells thrills and action and uses crashes as a selling point, and they are targeting youth.  What they are doing is much more than running a sport, they are engaged in a game of  sell this-buy that   with youth, and in this case, a 22 year old.




            Example A


            Example  B



            I am unamused with an industry such as Formula 1, whom invests

            and spends hundred of millions of dollars (or pounds or euros or

            yen or yuan) every year and treats their own media as they do.

5-25                   Spare Parts.......


            9/16 SAE                                                                    7/16  SAE



                                        Requirements for Brake Adjustment



I am around....

Essay on the Honorarium Page 5-26