Philosophy 321  '17

Bits and pieces. Table scraps. That's what you get. Machiavelli lives here.





Welcome to the January edition, brought to you by our friends at    L'oreal ©

January 2017

Nearly eight weeks removed from the National Election, and three weeks from the Inauguration and I have been force fed a consistent diet of cries of victimization

by not just the war mongering brutalist hateful Republicans, but also the helplessly

pathetic dope smoking Leftists, who primary claim is spies stole their spy material.


Cries of victimization are not leadership, not a indication of Administrative competency.


That is absolutely positively correct. Washington D.C. is the center of victimization.


Although, whom is victimizing whom is open to interpretation.  Permanently.

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell announced today that hearings will be held on the sanctity of life, and in particular that of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov.  The distinguished Senator from Kentucky was so overwrought with grief after the assassination that he required a lengthy hospitalization.  Fortunately for the Senator, whom consistently advocates war at every opportunity, the hospital was not in the war zone, therefor in no danger of one of President O'Bama's 'accidental' bombings by airstrike or drone on hospitals.


Senator McConnell firmly stated that this hearing has no religious overtone, no bearing on Christian morality in general and warned his deeply religious constituents that apathy in general towards Russia and Russian citizens would not be tolerated.


Senator McConnell also stated 'life begins at the point of conception', and the Russian Ambassador's life was just as important as those of his constituents, and his voting record reflected that, even if his constituents voting record did not.

The History of The End Of The World, Part 1

Caveat:   Exhaustive research concludes that the Veterans pictured, and even Donald Trump

               himself have perfectly valid Birth Certificates.   President Putin is withholding his.


               In conclusion:  Hacking birth certificates is more popular than hacking computers.

Whatever and whomever 2016 claimed,

it didn't get our second best comedian.


A nod to Mel Brooks for the title.  Bitte.


The History Of The End Of The World, Continued

dontcallus - gopage

There you have it.


Donald Trump and Steve Bannon

Passing judgment on the world from the couch in front of the television.





If find it outright disgusting that Alec Baldwin receives more

attention then legitimate world leaders and respectable

governmental processes.


Travel Ban?


Hitler never needed the Supreme Court to endorse his supremacists views.


Is the aspiration to be a supremacist worse than being one?


               (a computer prompt)

Fools Errand

'Tis a fools errand to raise Yalta's orphans with warmongering.


                                                                                          -WM Moseley

It appears imbecilic to offer Thaad Missiles to a nation that has just impeached their President.


I take China's intervention quite seriously.  But virtue of possession, it's their continent.  Not that Washington DC understands the words possession, or most importantly, the term Sovereign.   Actually, that the U.S. understands these concepts is irrelevant.



What is clear and relevant is this:  South Korea and the U.S. have nothing to offer North Korea.


Is the conjecture that North Korea abandon seventy five years of existence for the sake of pleasing Western Democracy?  Joining

an obviously corrupt South Korea?  Just simply giving up their way of life to please Americans?  Really?



Not just my view, but a World View;  selling weapons to further a political agenda is not Leadership.  It's just plain old warmongering.



I cannot and will not intervene physically.  There are nations and entities that can and will.



My suggestion is deescalation and admission to the United Nations.


  Based on two premises;


      The World Body is more inclined to resolve the issue than Western Democracy alone.


      Leadership is vacant in Washington, the war machine drives our economy, and that will not ensure peace, just a destabilized world

Do not mistake these words as encouragement, I've no empathy for the State Department:


The situation in the Korea's is the result of decades of mindless interventions, failed interventions at that. Hardly the

creation of the current Administration.   In this there is an opportunity to be heroic, and offer peace.


" You don't negotiate failed policies, you abandon them."

                                                       -WM Moseley

May 26, 2014




Mass Acceleration



   Governments cannot compete with or reconcile with the yellow journalism that pervades not just the

   media in general, but is and has focused on geopolitics.  This is magnified by inept attempts by many

   governments to make media appearances to correct this, and in at least one case, a government that

   attempts to take advantage of this, and fails badly.  There is little that can be done about irresponsible

   journalism when it holds the governmental process hostage.  If there is to be no intellectual attempt

   to legislate a solution then one must face the inevitable conclusion that media interference in government

   affairs will certainly lead to less suitable international relations and less suitable governments.


   One would argue by reason: Terrorists do not engage without media coverage. Terrorists get media

   coverage, the media sells soap, and governments go bankrupt attempting to correct the situation.


   For China the issue of control over the media is not an issue, yet.  Within a

   decade it will be.  China cannot merge with Democracy without sacrificing

   some of the standards it currently enforces. This is a known factor, and has

   been, at least here, for some time.  With Democracies, this is a much different

   issue. Although the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, it does not

   address the problems faced more than 230 years later. And no amendment

   can correct that. Monarchies are free to do as they choose, and have, as yet,

   done little, even in defense of dead schoolgirls whose phones have been hacked.


   What is to be done to ensure peace and governmental liberties?

   The answer is simple, and again, has been known here for some time.


   All governments will eventually, at some point, see the wisdom of managing their own media;

   with the wisest choice being the management and control of their own networks.


   *It is not implied nor should it ever be inferred that China should abandon it's peaceful society

   and peaceful government in support of increasingly violent Democracy.  While yellow journalism

   persists in accusations, at no time in China's 5000 year history has it shown aggression to the

   outside world. To the contrary, a Wall stands in place to ensure aggression does not invade them.



   Reason is dead, long live broadcasters.


                          ~ W. Marshall Moseley


   Pathetically, both the Terrorists and the media have flourished under American Leadership.


                           ~ W. Marshall Moseley


I cannot distinguish between what the yellow press says, and what the Republican Party is doing.  (See above)



You wrote that N***** a blank check for eight years and ran up the Deficit to 20 Trillion.


Now your saying?


You want to raise Medicare Rates for the elderly by 750% ?

Increase Military Spending by 10% ?

Give tax breaks to the Wealthy ?



YOUR constituents elected you as Winners, didn't they?


If keeping your seat in Politics is your goal, this looks like political suicide to me.




I am not running, although I could be watching your undoing.

Then I will be discussing the yellow press and solutions with the next ones elected.


This leaves me with the impression you shot the horse before it left the starting gate.

Originally Published February 27, 2008

                                                  Perfect Syntax



The right words to describing the late William F. Buckley Jr. require the ability to

muster forth a lexicon beyond an ordinary writer's repertoire.  Mr Buckley

possessed an unrivaled mastery of the English Language.  Sans pretense, I will

humbly do my best to elucidate his voluminous legacy without any serious error.


Author of more than fifty books including The Right Word, the Blackford Oaks series,

founder of the National Review, former host of Firing Line, one time employee

of the Central Intelligence Agency, noted conservative pundit and troublemaker,

he is best remembered by this author for his column On The Right.


Although he was officially employed by the Central Intelligence Agency for

only a year, he enjoyed the golden years at the agency that left an indelible

image of what became to be known as 'The Boys'.  Entirely dissimilar to today's

Agency, known more as 'Children', and 'Children in need of a nurse'.  He would

never have sunk to the level of 'parking garage journalism', never been content to

hide behind the Bureau in the face of terrorists, and certainly would have never been

content to wallow in the backwaters of Castro's Cuba.  He belonged to an Agency of

a different era, he bowed to no-one, and for that I always admired him.


This offering, from his book  The Right Word describes his linguistic temperament.


    " It is a curious thing, this universal assumption by a number of prominently situated

       opinion - or rather mood - makers, that the American people are either unaware

       of the unusual word or undisposed to hear it and find out what it means, thus

       broadening not merely their vocabulary -that isn't the important thing - but their

       conceptual and descriptive powers.  Those who say that the average American

       is incapable of appreciating the meaning of the word 'energumen' are, in my

       humble judgment, nuts.  The average American is, in Franklin P. Adams's

       phrase, a bit above average, and his intelligence is not tied umbilically to

       Jack Paar's anti-intellectual muse."


Few writers possess his abilities, his gift for prose, and penchant to adding an

indecipherable word to the end of a passage.  Invariably, when a reader such as

myself came upon new vocabulary they were faced with two dubious choices,

stop and spend an indeterminable amount of time and effort researching the

often obscure word -and thus completely loosing focus on the passage- or

continuing on with the prose -lost without the resplendent reference.  I learned

to do both at times, deciding to call his literary treachery "Obscurus Interruptus".


There were a great many of his columns from 'On The Right' that both

entertained and delighted me. He once wrote of a visit to Italy where he met

Carroll O'Connor in a bar, as fate would have it -Benito Mussolini's- son

was there at the bar; Mr. Buckley, or Mr. O'Connor -I do do not remember which-

remarked "that was a hell of a thing they did, to your father."

As was often the case, it was difficult to separate his humor from his theology. Years

ago he wrote a column titled 'Holster Those Cell Phones', I've saved it, thinking it a keeper.

The most memorable column for me was a great many years ago, just after the loss of

Swiss Air Flight 111.  For those of you not in the know my daughter's birthday falls on

that date as well.  He had made that flight many times; like myself, and many others,

he found the loss of that flight unnerving.  I managed to take comfort in the belief that

anything untoward would have caught his attention, and that was the very thing

that endeared him to me, my trust in his all too often brutal honesty.


America, indeed the World, lost a great man in letters. As he passed we shared the

knowledge of two distinct things.  That he would not tolerate any fool, particularly a

stuttering fool, to stammer his way through his eulogy; and if there is a God

(he never offered proof) right now they're having words, The Right Words.



                                                                                                            ~William Moseley



I've nothing to say to the NYT that could be repeated in Public.


"hell of a thing they did to your business district".

The Tin Foil Hat Monologues


Since Socrates men (and women) have debated government.  At no time in 2500 years has it been even suggested, or has there been empirical evidence given to support the belief that Democracy is the single superior Government.


If you suggest that the current American Government is the superior form of Government -

That our Democracy is the model for the entire world;


then I suggest you pass out tin foil hats.

The Wall

When the rich rob a convenience store they're considered neurotic.


When the poor rob a convenience store, they're just effin hungry.


When the well to do learn to manage real estate contracts, they become Billionaires.

They also exhibit a gross lack of intellect to ignore crimes of poverty.








Speech by Secretary of the Federal Reserve on :


              Addressing Workforce Development Challenges In Low-Income Communities



I see no reason to thank Janet Yellen professionally, as I help pay her salary.


I see great reason to thank her personally -

as she exhibits the intellect to address the issue of poverty.



Of course I am going to cover the Manchester Bombing...


I am just waiting for 'The Arab Spring', then a 'Road Map To Peace' will be published.


Until then, I recommend you get your own network...

May 26, 2014




Mass Acceleration



   Governments cannot compete with or reconcile with the yellow journalism that pervades not just the

   media in general, but is and has focused on geopolitics.  This is magnified by inept attempts by many

   governments to make media appearances to correct this, and in at least one case, a government that

   attempts to take advantage of this, and fails badly.  There is little that can be done about irresponsible

   journalism when it holds the governmental process hostage.  If there is to be no intellectual attempt

   to legislate a solution then one must face the inevitable conclusion that media interference in government

   affairs will certainly lead to less suitable international relations and less suitable governments.


   One would argue by reason: Terrorists do not engage without media coverage. Terrorists get media

   coverage, the media sells soap, and governments go bankrupt attempting to correct the situation.


   For China the issue of control over the media is not an issue, yet.  Within a

   decade it will be.  China cannot merge with Democracy without sacrificing

   some of the standards it currently enforces. This is a known factor, and has

   been, at least here, for some time.  With Democracies, this is a much different

   issue. Although the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, it does not

   address the problems faced more than 230 years later. And no amendment

   can correct that. Monarchies are free to do as they choose, and have, as yet,

   done little, even in defense of dead schoolgirls whose phones have been hacked.


   What is to be done to ensure peace and governmental liberties?

   The answer is simple, and again, has been known here for some time.


   All governments will eventually, at some point, see the wisdom of managing their own media;

   with the wisest choice being the management and control of their own networks.


   *It is not implied nor should it ever be inferred that China should abandon it's peaceful society

   and peaceful government in support of increasingly violent Democracy.  While yellow journalism

   persists in accusations, at no time in China's 5000 year history has it shown aggression to the

   outside world. To the contrary, a Wall stands in place to ensure aggression does not invade them.



   Reason is dead, long live broadcasters.


                          ~ W. Marshall Moseley


   Pathetically, both the Terrorists and the media have flourished under American Leadership.


                           ~ W. Marshall Moseley

Writer's note:  'Mass Acceleration' was coined for the 7 Million Lbs. of

                        thrust generated by a NASA Shuttle launch.


                        I will be as glad to see the demise of the antiquidated

                        system of media as I was the Shuttle program.


                        So much is required for escape velocity.


The semi-annual top500 list will be published about June 18th.


Carried by Merriam-Webster or not, this discussion is emphasized by four letter words.



















As you can see, I am carrying a multitude of conversations around the globe

with many people on a incalculable plethora of subjects.


I am asking all my readers to understand the need for the separation of sites.


Effective immediately:


           All top500 discussions will be placed on Dontcallus.

          This is a site made specifically for Public Discussion.



The IBOFN site will be used to continue ongoing discussions, as well as

conversations that are too delicate for 'Aunt Mildred' and the like.



Please do not refer readers of Dontcallus to this site.  I have enough conversations.


Thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter.

'Just the Facts, Ma'm'


                    ~Sergeant Joe Friday

A nod to Charlie Rose for the heads up on

Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's

latest brainchild

I won't say that various entities such as the DOD are in there corrupting data, I reserve that assertion for the Bing Search Engine.


Still, If our government will not give us our data, we need things like this



There's A Queue

Writer's caveat:

  It should not be inferred that satiric humor is a personal threat.

  Just ask that guy from Montenegro.

Let's see...  6+4+31 = Halloween.  Without hanging chads.


Dear Kathy:


       I love you (not that way), the Comedy Channel loves you!




Earth Science

First person, firsthand knowledge.


As a child growing up in Tucson Arizona during the 1960's we read the air quality in miles, and it was announced on a daily basis in the media.  It was quite common to see Phoenix from the rooftop of the Goldwater Hotel and other highrises in Tucson.


That's right, I could see more than 100 miles.  Every day.


Today, that same view would barely afford you the edge of Tucson. 40 miles.


This song, which would appear to be delusional ramblings, is based in fact.

We could literally see for miles, and cloud structures that are no longer visible.

By the Century



Source:  US Census Bureau

Is that enough, to have quadrupled the population from 1890 to 1990?


By The Decade

Will it be enough to double the population in 60 years?

Whatever the Paris Accord is or is not, the world looks unfavorably on a nation

that has a 241 year history of signing and breaking treaties.


I am doubtful that taxes will save us.  I am equally doubtful politicians will care.


All I can do, and all I have done here is present SCIENCE.


Linked:  Foreign Policy     An article on Poland and the Judiciary Reform, and it's relationship with the EU.


             (the Foreign Policy website asks you to login or create an account, it is unlikely you will be asked

              to join the State Department [unless your willing to make a significant political contribution]).





For those of you who haven't looked beyond the obvious linkage, the Paris Accord is a tax based treaty.  This is

a portion of the premise that created the initial post above, on Earth Science.  Of course, the obvious linkage

is that Poland is simply following the Republican precedent.


What I specifically want to point to your attention is the ninth paragraph in the article.




  "The European Union owes it to this majority of Poles to deploy the only tool at its disposal realistically capable of    getting Law and Justice’s attention: its purse strings. In the 13 years since it joined the European Union, Poland has received 135.7 billion euros in EU funds, an average of 10 billion euros a year, far more than any other member state. Considering Poland’s total budget revenue for 2017 is projected at 77 billion euros, it’s clear how significant a role EU funds play in state spending."

This is the Priceless ©  I did for the Brexit last year.  The article places this and the Paris Accord in context of Europe's Taxes.



Aside from the outright insanity that Foreign Policy has become, does anyone want to pay Europe's taxes?


This should give you a clue to Russia Sanctions.  I believe that most of those result from Russia's refusal to join the E.U.


                     Writer's note;



                        I had written an opinion in College (2008)  that the Euro Dollar should be separated from the European Union;

                        - anticipating that the political differences then - would result in the situation we see now.


                       There lacks any rational explanation as to why it shouldn't be done.


                        If the European Union values the Union over it's political wrangling, and if the European Union considers the

                       VALUE of the Euro Dollar above the political implications of more Brexits, it would be the wisest course.


                        Doing so would place the value of the Euro in the hands of the market, rather than politicians and tax collectors.


What I Said !


We are all equal before the Law.

If America is to make an attempt at restoring dignity, albeit haplessly, we should just refer both these two

to Judge Judy and move on.  Neither of their stories would pass Judge Judy's scrutiny, and neither would

escape her wrath and contempt for their foolishness.


We - as Americans, could focus on things that actually matter, and try to forget the Election of 2016.



Disunion.  It isn't the Teamsters.  The Martial Artists around the world are not one

united organization, with a nightly performance alongside Circue Du Soleil.  If the

MMA had their way, it would be, with no rules and no examination of the consequences.


I have offered you the FACTS.  A firsthand account of this incident.  Additionally, I would point out;  when a Sifu walks into someone else's school and challenges them to a

fight, it can mean only one thing.  That the challenger wants to embarrass and effectively destroy the reputation of the instructor and the school.  Whatever the impetus

for the challenge, Bruce recognized this and the fight ensued.  Bruce was fighting for

his honor, and his reputation.  His career.


Meet the pimps.  See a world famous name?  No?   There is no law against writing a story about someone or a sport.  But, that's

all it is.  A story.  Fiction, written by people who want to promote a sport.  Please, distinguish the difference between the two.




Never blur the distinction between Martial Arts as an Art, and fighting as a livelihood.


                                                                                                                         -William Moseley

Growing Up


In youth we learn; in age we understand.


                                    - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


As a convenient truth, links are provided

February 1945     The Yalta conference, the creation of North and South Korea

                             as an unresolved issue of WWll.

1960's era      To review, this was the first of the CIA's failed invasions.

                       A missile crises, an diplomatic embarrassment.


                       The first time the U.S. government brought the world

                        into a Nuclear Crises.


                       * The wiki-link documents the Kennedy's involvement of

                          the Mafia as a solution to the attempt to overthrow

                          the Cuban government.



2013 - 2017  Ambassador to Japan  Caroline Kennedy.

Unless you live underground, like most of Washington DC lives these days, you know of

the missile crises that has been manufactured on the Korean Peninsula.



No, Kim Jung Un did not hack Sony, but Hollywood made a movie anyway.


If you care to look at Wiki-leaks (I do not), you would see the hacking tools

of the CIA, and possibly documents related to North and South Korea.

August 25th, 2017

Sans direct evidence that the CIA manufactured the current Missile Crises, we must accept that the Korean situation

has been manufactured by the US Government.  Certainly, the strategic placement of Kennedy would support that.

The World View could be that it is much easier to eliminate the

US Government than to continually unravel their attempts at

creating Nuclear Crises.


I would intellectually support that view.  I see no valid reason to give them another attempt.


Writers Note:

                        I cannot tell you what I was doing on September 17, 1991.

                        That was the date North Korea was admitted to the UN.


                        I regret I had previously written that North Korea was not a member.

                        A retraction is in order.

United Nations Resolution 2371





This is not light reading meant for the breakfast table.

I encourage you to read this completely before proceeding.

Security Council Toughens Sanctions Against Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2371 (2017)

Cleaner Coal

Now that we have properly identified the cause of Nuclear Missile Crises...

Let's take a look at solutions for the affected Countries.

With that, I would like to introduce Page Two.  Keep in mind these are introductions to World Views.


To ensure that the work on page Two is kept in context,

it will be permanently linked to the relevant articles on the main Phil_321 Page.


Page Two


The most eloquent words I have heard in a very long time...


Change. Change your addiction.


A gracious thanks to Irvine Welsh and Danny Boyle.

A WTF Moment In Law Enforcement

Logan Utah  July 26th :


    Local police were chasing an unruly and errant pickup truck, when the driver,

    one Marcos Torres - age 26 veered across the road and slammed into an

    oncoming Semi-truck, critically injuring the innocent trucker.


Later that same day, more than eighty miles away, a Salt Lake City detective -

with absolutely no legal jurisdiction or interest in the case ARRESTED a

University of Utah Hospital Nurse for refusing to draw a blood sample from



Never mind that the driver of the pickup had swerved across the highway

and was killed in the crash,

Never mind that the Logan Police had caused an accident with a high speed

pursuit that killed a driver who (at the time was guilty of no more than evading police).


Never mind that the Logan Police Chief had verbally instructed the Salt Lake City

Detective not to persue the blood sample just before the arrest.  (citation)


Never mind that Section 395 of the U.S. Federal Code clearly specifies the

circumstances by which a blood sample should or could be taken.

(It specifies that it is unnecessary in this case)

As it turns out, the Truck Driver - William Gray of Rigby Idaho passed away from

his injuries on September 27, after two months of intensive care.


Also, upon further investigation, William Gray was a Reserve Police Officer. (citation)

I am glad his name is William, and not Freddie.


I have already suffered through one set of riots.

1993   The tabloids had Tom Petty and Kim Basinger shacked up with

            a dozen kids over this video.  One of Tom's most memorable.


            He will be missed.


Santa Clara (UPI):  AMD announced today the release of the Human Emotion V1 microprocessor.

                               Plans for V2 were also announced with an expected release of December 2020.


Rancid and unpalatable.  Anytime that a person who attempts to pass themselves off as capable of thought raises the issue

of Artificial Intelligence and mutters the inevitable premise of Fear, I resist the urge to gag and simply dismiss them as simpletons.


To what extent Computer Intelligence is artificial intelligence is open to debate.


What is not open to debate is that either Computer or artificial

intelligence is enamoured with emotion and testosterone.


As Americans go to the table this week, although probably not at Pine Ridge or Chinle or

San Xavier or any Native American Nation; I wanted to visit a thought I had.


It's about a conversation I would have with Mario Draghi.

Mario Draghi is the head of the European Union's Central Bank, in the center of the picture.

Me:          Mr. Draghi, you realize that America was founded because of Great Britain's taxes?


Draghi:    Yes.


Me:          You know there was a war?


Draghi:     Yes


Me:          You are aware that we won that war?


Draghi:     Yes, I suppose so.


Me:           Very good, moving forward;  let's suppose I am an American Shopkeeper.


Draghi:      Ok.


Me:            As an American Shopkeeper, there is no law that prevents me from accepting Euros.


Draghi:      I suppose so.


Me:           Well, there isn't.


Draghi:      Ok.


Me:            Do you suppose Great Britain would institute a law banning the acceptance of Euros?


Draghi:       No.


Me:            Do you understand that the Brexit is a political demise and not a financial demise?


Draghi:       ?


Me.            If I were a London Shopkeeper, I would accept Euros.


Draghi:      Since you put it that way.


Me:            I did, and the best part is that after WWl and WWll, another one isn't necessary.


                  And Her Majesty will not be paying Europe's Taxes.

The European Union's 'New Math'

 In the 13 years since it joined the European Union, Poland has received 135.7 billion euros in EU funds, an average of 10 billion euros a year, far more than any other member state. Considering Poland’s total budget revenue for 2017 is projected at 77 billion euros, it’s clear how significant a role EU funds play in state spending.                 1. (Linked)

European Union's contribution per Polish Citizen

since joining the Union.

Aggregate and yearly contributions per Polish Citizen.


I believe the only person on the planet who doesn't know

that Washington is sending spies into Hong Kong again

would be the guy planning a spaceshot to Mars.

You would think the Republican's had learned after what is known here colloquially as

'Vinny's Watch', and more generally seen as Bloomberg's failed foray into Asian Affairs.

Nothing will say embarrassment like Trumpet calling up China to complain

about the DPRK and finding exposed spies on the news the next day.



On that account;


                           China is not the DPRK's babysitter, and they don't act

                            unilaterally like the Republicans.


                            Winners (?) aren't whiners.


                            When you pick a fight, as you have with the DPRK,

                             it is considered socially inept to ask another country

                             to intervene on your behalf.   It exposes you as

                             the yelping cowards you really are.




Congratulations are in order, you're making Stalinism populist.





Biden volunteered.

Closing Indices  December 29th, 2017



24719.22                 -118.29

  6903.39                    46.77

  2673.61                    13.93