Philosophy 321  '18

Bits and pieces. Table scraps. That's what you get. Machiavelli lives here.






Expletives Deleted

Mushy headed little fruitcakes at the New York Times.

via ABC News

Well now, an election makes this appear to be a (expletive deleted) DEMOCRACY!  And as long as everyone is on the subject of 'INFLUENCING DEMOCRACY', and how Russia influenced ours;  I am quite certain that cretins like

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz will withhold any attempt to influence the election.


I am also certain of the result, not of the election, but the CIA's attempt to interfere.

Requited, Saying Jack

I grew up in the same small town with this man, we never met and he never bothered anyone in Tucson.


For those of you who do not know the requited side,  Wikipedia cites that President Kennedy had attempted to overthrow Cuba via the CIA (Bay of Pigs) with plans to turn the country over to the Mafia.

Mr Fix-it

Expletive Deleted

Refer - endum Madness

As Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu is elected to speak for his constituents on

matters of state.  But he wasn't elected today.  It was some time ago. So if it is the

will of the Citizens of Israel to recognize Jerusalem as their capital, that is their right.

But we cannot know this, because as I said, Netanyahu was elected some time ago, before this matter became a public issue, an issue before the UN.


So if Israel would hold a referendum, to hear the voice of the people rather than the

voice of their Prime Minister, that would be a Democratic endeavour to be recognized.


Perhaps similar to the Crimean Referendum, and perhaps not.

Because, as it appears, people seem to recognize some referendums and others not.

Sock Puppet Theatre

Got Rice?


'Turn the other cheek' ?

Global warming must not be a Christian issue...

January Seventh




Little Donnie 2.5

The hallowed halls of Congress is no place for boardroom antics.

For that, it is generally believed that backroom deals and winks among the good ol' boys is sufficient.


Any efforts that were made to resolve the issue, and in this case an offer by the Republicans and led by Senator Mccain were undone by the rejection of any deal that does not suit Little Donnie's peculiar paranoia and penchant for displaying a fundamental lack of knowledge on the working of the Constitution.

Even a slight sense of the working of Congress would tell you that when an offer to strike a deal is rejected

by the leader (?) of your own party, that a compromise will not be reached.


Ergo, a shutdown looms.  With a halfwit, pretending to be a nitwit as the blame.


Vulcanization, the process by which tires are recapped was

patented in 1845, first in Great Britain, and later that year here

in America by Charles Goodyear.


Recap is the colloquial term for Vulcanization.


A Ninety minute vulcanization of a year of Twitter, aka

The State of The Union.

The Statue of Freedom


The Statue of Freedom, that sits upon the Capitol Dome of the Senate's chamber is made, like the dome itself,

 of cast iron.  A design contest sponsored by then Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson in 1792.


President Jefferson, along with President John Adams gave us, and more importantly - Trump




The Constitution Of The United States

The Fourteenth Amendment



1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.


Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.


Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.[1]



A Bill of Goods


"they sell us our Presidents the same way they sell us our cars"

                                                                                                - Jackson Browne



Trump sold you the 'Make America Great Again' promise and slogan.  I never bought.


What wasn't included in the deal (not the New Deal, obviously), was the premise that Trump

gets to decide "WHO makes America great again, and whom does not."


That, folks - is Nazism.   Plain and simple.


Only the individual themselves can decide if they make America great again.

That is not for Trump to decide.

ANY Immigration Legislation: that distinguishes race or country of origin is racist.


I surmise the Supreme Court will strike the Amendment.



Expletives Not Deleted

Expletives NOT Deleted


And a very merry FUCK YOU to the New York Times,

the entire newspaper business in general, especially

the Pentagon, the Republicans and every last

member of the Bush family.

You have a problem with 9-11, too bad.

You have a problem with Arabs, too bad


Take it up with Charlie Wilson and the CIA.

Mushy headed little morons at the New York Times.



'The Good Old Days'


* If your wondering, am I enjoying this?  Yes, very much.

At Pyongyang


             Where the Swiss keep a Embassy...


             Un and the DPRK can have everything they want, just not when they want it.



             North Korea only needs to comply with the U.N. Sanctions.  Invite the IAEA in, allow them

             to inspect their hearts delight and have the sanctions removed.  DeNuclearize the DPRK.


             It is incumbent upon South Korea and the U.S. to DeNuclearize South Korea.


             This really is not the DPRK's problem.  They have China and Russia's support anyway.



  It places South Korea in the same position as Japan, ridding themselves of American Hedgemony.




             And just maybe, Stormy Daniels has a cousin or something in Singapore.



Our Guide

This is a universal ideal, that computers and the humans that interact with them are responsive!

June 25th

The top500 list

Requisite Reading

As the Article states:


             Manufacturers are not reporting duplicate machines sold.


             The List itself has new distortions and quirks not previously registered.


              Moving into exascale computing has rendered many measurements

              obsolete or in need of replacement.





Summation of the Cumulative


               Exascale -  One Billion Billion calculations per second


               plus :          the 845 petaflops of the November '17 conference


               plus :          the uncalculated duplicates


               equals:       unknown


               * at last count I was at X22 in a 24 hour clock cycle, that was a year ago.


               Pick any number between 1 / 10 , add  X22 (twenty two '0's) and a few more.

I will leave you with this, and remind you that you ARE being left behind.

The June Edition of the Top500 Supercomputers


Phil_321 will be back Mid-June for the Announcement.



June 11th




Summit was officially announced today.


The actual convention is scheduled below, and there is speculation that Tianhe - 3

will be unveiled before then.  And, until the convention there is plenty to read.


I am covering this on a day to day basis this month, based on the following developments...



              Summit is Dept. Of Energy Asset


              Today marks the beginning of a new era in calculation.  Exascale.

+/-   80% Less Computer Nodes

+/-   16x  Memory per Node


Full details are available on the

Projects Home Page

Caveat:   Although it may appear to be a competition of Nations for Exascale

               computing - and claims will be made; computers do not think in human

               terms and there really is no schoolyard for such pissing contests.


Pet Projects

Congratulations America


You elected someone who can appoint a Supreme Court Justice

and cannot spell Honor.

August is not looking any better.

Seven and Eleven


               This is material from my Political Science Class in 2007.

               Written Eleven years ago.


               As the Brexit becomes finalized, it is of use to present a unbiased opinion.

              Whom dreamt of a Brexit in 2007?  Unbiased.

An OXYMORON for the ages.


              The European Union, formed as a Trade Bloc, would Embargo Great Britain for the Brexit.


              Just go ahead and slit your wrists, Brussels.




Tianhe 3  Prototype*

The Tianhe 3 Prototype was released to the public yesterday via and make its public debut on the


* What might be inferred by Prototype.

As previously discussed, systems are being duplicated and sold to public entities.


Although this is not specified here, it is a possibility.


The benefits of Exascale are not limited to defense and the applications are unlimited.

The applications of Supercomputing go beyond Defense,

and the emergence of Exascale may lend support to an Academic proliferation.

Let's see, where was I?  Oh yeah, out of Crayons and reduced to black and white.

State of Enemies

I am thoroughly unamused with celebrity politics.  Even more unamused with overgrown children masquerading as intellectuals.


Speech, and most importantly Political Speech is the foundation of Democracy.  Benjamin Franklin was a printer.


If we are to have celebrity politics, and especially vis-a-vis CNBC, whom is next?

Jed Clampett for President?  Or was that #43?  Or #42?

Phyllis Diller?  That might have been #45, had she not ignored the Unions.  A vote the unions got right, for a change.


Any fool can run for office, with enough money.

If we don't impeach their foolishness, we soon will have ol' Jed running things.


Congress should fix the shithouse, if that requires a six foot hole, call a plumber.

Little Donnie

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life.


                                                                         -Animal House

In an effort to raise the GOP's conscience - and literary skills, I would like to

introduce the following mono-syllabic, or as close as possible, vocabulary...





                 A prerequisite to competent government.



                 It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles.



                 A preemptive strike at 'fake news'.



                 Not exclusive to God.  (see also: US Constitution)



                 By example.




A Little Help!

Actually, no.



All The Usual Suspects...

Heaven smiles, and if I were to have a word -  Beer me Neil.

Pond Scum

From the moron whom cannot spell Honor.



August 30th:   Pond Scum In Chief Cancels the annual Federal Pay Raise.



Note:  Many people are multi-lingual, most of us on the border as a way of life.


If you were born in the late Eighties or after you would not immediately recognize

the names of Grace Slick or Marty Balin, Paul Kantner or the other members of




also known as Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and just Starship.

I am pleased that they grace the Fluff page.

Marty Balin

1942 ~ 2018

A special song, and a very special band.

Say that again?

Introducing Tesla Chairman #1 and Tesla Chairman #2


You know...

I am aware that this post is much too complicated for Liberals, nonetheless...



How To Become A Knight Of Malta



I have received a letter on paper headed Order Souverain Militaire de Saint-Jean de Jeruaslem-Chevaliers de Malte-Proeure Oecumenique de la Vallette-Prieure de Quebec. The letter contains an invitation to become a Knight of Malta. I would have preferred a brief directly from Charlemagne, but I immediately reported the matter to my children, to let them know that their father wasn't any old dad.  Then I looked over my shelves for the volume of Caffanjon and Gilmard Flavigny, Orders et contreorders de chevalerir, Paris, 1982, in which a list of psuedo-orders of Malta is published, circulated by the authentic Sovereign Military and Hospitaler Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Rhodes, and Malta, whose headquarters are in Rome.


There are another sixteen orders of Malta, all having practically the same name, except for very slight variations; and all repudiate or recognize one another in turn.  In 1908 some Russians founded an order in the United States, which in recent years has been headed by His Royal Highness Prince Roberto Paterno ll, Ayerbe Aragona, Duke of Perpignan, Head of the Royal Houses of Aragon and the Balearic Islands, Grand Master of the Orders of the Collar of Sant'Agata dei Paterno and the Royal Crown of the Balerics. But a splinter group broke off from this one in 1934, when a Dane founded a rival order, giving it's chancellorship to Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark.


In the 1960s a defector from the Russian branch, Paul de Garanier de Cassagnac, founded an order in France, choosing as its protector King Peter ll of Yugoslavia.  In 1965 the ex-king Peter ll of Yugoslavia quarreled with Cassagnac and founded in New York another order whose grand prior, in 1970, was Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark, who then left that order for the Danish one.  In 1966 the chancellor of this order was a certain Robert Bassaraba von Brancoven Khgimchiacvili, who was, however, expelled, and who consequently founded the order of the Ecumenical Knights of Malta, whose Imperial and Royal Protector was then to be Prince Enrico lll Constantino di Vigo Lascaris Aleramico Paleologo del Monferatto, heir to the throne of Byzantium, Prince of Thessaly, who was later to found yet another order of Malta, the Priorate of the United States, wheras Bassaraba, in 1975, tried to establish his own Priorate of the Trinite de Villedieu, the one to which I would have belonged, but his attempt failed.  I then found a Byzantine protectorate, and order created by Prince Carol of Rumania after he broke off from the Cassagnac's, a Grand Priorate of which one Tonna-Barthet is Grand Bailiff, while Prince Andrew of Yugoslavia-former Grand Master of the order founded by Peter ll-is Grand Master of the Priorate of Russia (but then the prince withdrew and the order changed its name to Grand Royal Priorate of Malta and of Europe);

an order created in the Seventies by Baron de Choibert and by Vittorio Busa, Orthodox Archbishop Metropolitan of Bialystok, Patriarch of Western and Eastern Diaspora, President of the Republic of Danzig, President of the Democratic Republic of Byelorussia and Gran Khan of Tartary and Mongolia, Viktor Timur ll; and an International Grand Priorate created in 1971 by the above-mentioned Royal Highness Roberto Paterno with the Baron-Marquis of Alaro, of which another Paterno became the Grand Protector in 1982: head of the Imperial House of Leopardi Tomassini Paterno of Constantinople, heir of the Roman Empire of the East, consecrated  legitimate successor of Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church of the Byzantine Rite, Marquis of Monteaperto, Count Palatine of the throne of Poland.


In 1971 my order appeared in Malta, born of a schism within that of Bassaraba, under the exalted protection of Alessandro Licastro Grimaldi Lascaris Commenius Vingtmille, Duke of La Chastre, Sovereign Prince and marquess of Deols, and the Grand Master is now the marquess Charles Stivala de Flavigny, who after the death of Licastro as well as Pasleau, who assumes the titles of Licastro as well as those of His Grace the Archbishop Patriarch of the Catholic Orthodox Church of Belgium, Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem and Grand Master and Hierophant of the Universal Masonic Order of the Oriental Rite and the Joint Primitive Rite of Memphis and Misraim.


I replaced the volume. Perhaps it, too, contains false information. But I realized that a man has to belong to something, if he doesn't want to feel like nothing. Italy's notorious P2 Lodge has been dissolved, while the Opus Dei has lost all secrecy and is now on everyone's lips. I have made my choice: The Italian Recorder Society. One, True, Ancient, and Accepted.

Umberto Eco, 1986

Beyond Metaphysics is the study of Semiotics, how what the eye and mind sees relates to reality.



Professor Umberto Eco, Semiotics

University of Bologna, Italy

1932 - 2016

Anti-Religiosity ?



No. I do not share your faith.

 I do not apologize for that.


The factual world should be enough for any man.


The next few years will see an ever changing landscape.  No more counting Petaflops

in the Exascale era, and no idea what the next measurement will be called, or the measurement after that one.  -The 'Roadrunner' was actually retired.  I kept a picture.

Next Gen

According to the leaked Intel roadmap that we reported on in July, beyond Cascade Lake AP is an unnamed second-generation AP processor that allegedly will be released in the latter half of 2020. If true, that chip will almost certainly end up in the Aurora exascale supercomputer that is headed to Argonne National Lab in 2021. Intel hasn’t publicly confirmed the existence of such a processor, but we’re guessing it will do so next year.

Scalable to 100 Cabinets.







Less than six months after the unveiling of the DOE's Summit, Exascale computing is now commercially available.


The Supercomputing Conference is scheduled for Dallas, November 11th - 16th.

As you may know, Former Governor Perry is now running the DOE...

'Face The Press' will return as a feature.


A citation was added on Ukraine and the DPRK.



I do not find it politically or morally correct

to support Ukraine, noting that they willingly

voted to join the European Union.


I have no regard for those who do support Ukraine.

In fact, I find you morally repugnant.

Do you see an effin sign that says Euros will not be accepted in Great Britain?  No you don't see an effin sign that says Euros will not be accepted in Great Britain.  Do you know why you don't see an effing sign that says Euros will not be accepted in Great Britain?


Because, Europeans are not nearly as stupid as Americans. Europeans are not so stupid as to effing burn their bridges. Tunnels, maybe.




Having listened to several years of Brexit paranoia has me convinced of the utter uselessness of the American Intelligence Community.



Can you not make a distinction between a political separation and a financial separation?

Let's just change the channel.

Border  ->

And change the channel I did.  Unfortunately, it was to Fox News - telling me and all their viewers, that Russia had invaded Crimea.



That's how blindingly STUPID Fox News is.


Ambassador to Russia Mr. Huntsman, I give you Fox News.


Fox News, I give YOU the wikipedia entry for the Democratic Election in Crimea.


        They don't actually understand the Democratic process at Fox News, they just issue proclamations.




























I hadn't wanted to comment on Ukraine; not since it was revealed that they are the likely source of the DPRK's Nuclear Technology.

After that, I understood why the last Administration had stood by Ukraine so steadfastly.  They needed an excuse.


I just used the word Effin.




F Ukraine, Fox News, and anyone supporting two instances of Nuclear terror.

The most terrifying six weeks of my life were April to June of 1986,

waiting for my youngest to be born, not knowing exactly what had

happened in Ukraine.


You could understand my thoughts, then and now, as a parent.


I want you to understand -


     Six weeks after Chernobyl - the world still hadn't been told

     the extent of the disaster - I had to wait for the birth to know.

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