Philosophy 321  '20

Bits and pieces. Table scraps. That's what you get. Machiavelli lives here.






The European Model

Now you understand Time magazine's business model and circulation scheme.



Ask Marilyn

Is there a word for a person who does not accept facts that challenge his or her beliefs?


—Stephen Gibbs, Colton, California


Yes, and it’s “normal.” The great majority of people share this trait, especially: (1) those who were taught the beliefs by parents or teachers; and (2) those who want very much for their beliefs to be true, no matter what. The more these beliefs define your life, the more you will spin everything your way. Prime examples are politicians. Yet, in their defense, I feel confident they don’t realize it! To become a thinker instead of a believer, a fundamental step is to disassociate yourself from any political party.

Parade, Ask Marilyn.  January 5th., 2020

Peace Plan  (?)


Ask Marilyn

Is there a word for a person who does not accept facts that challenge his or her beliefs?


—Stephen Gibbs, Colton, California


Yes, and it’s “normal.” The great majority of people share this trait, especially: (1) those who were taught the beliefs by parents or teachers; and (2) those who want very much for their beliefs to be true, no matter what. The more these beliefs define your life, the more you will spin everything your way. Prime examples are politicians. Yet, in their defense, I feel confident they don’t realize it! To become a thinker instead of a believer, a fundamental step is to disassociate yourself from any political party.

Parade, Ask Marilyn.  January 5th., 2020

Odds greater than one in three hundred million.


That's how many people died of the Coronavirus here in the United States in February.



'Acting out' is not a recent phenomenon.  It is a constant.   A new part of our culture.

The Playground of Life






                          Someone recently asked me which daycare I attended while growing up. Without hesitation I responded

                          ' The get your butt outside ' daycare center and this response got a few chuckles and a lot of 'me too's.

                          Growing up the child of an Air Force Sergeant in the 60's and 70's there was little choice but to do what

                          your told. What I did not say was if I was in trouble at the moment, and I often was, I also got the

                          'don't let the screendoor hit you in the ass' and 'don't come back til dinner' treatment. That was our home

                          and my family's way of dealing with perpetual disharmony.



                          Later, as I grew older my family found an Irish Catholic family to babysit me while my mother went to work.

                          As it turns out, most of my formative years were spent being raised by Irish Catholics. I am not so sure about

                          my parents, but I can tell you I don't feel the least bit guilty about this.



                          Nowdays, having been perpetually denied the wafers and grape juice, I am a contented Agnostic. Something I

                          describe as being too lazy to argue for or against the Atheist's point of view. I often wonder if my religious view

                          is a result of being the one person in church that everyone, including the Priest, thought didn't belong there. I can

                          tell you from experience, being the only non-Catholic at mid-night mass is the most god-awful feeling of loneliness there is.



                          Working women were few and far between in the 60's and as a result, our family like all enlisted families were what

                          is nowdays described as working poor. We didn't see it that way. We never knew anything else. We had few toys,

                          a black and white television, and a whole lot of imagination. That was our playground, our imagination.

                          I admit, I smirk a lot when I go to 'Toys R Us'. These kid's nowdays don't know hardship. If it's not having the latest

                          game console, that's a load of bull. They are spoiled, I know it, and it's a part of our culture. As a result, I am

                          obliged to spoil my children and grandchildren. That too is a part of our culture, making sure that you fit in, that

                          you and your children are normal; and if normal is being spoiled that's okay too. After all they're just children,

                          right? So it's okay to spoil your children if everyone else's children are spoiled. That too, is our culture.



                          Every year, when the Christian holiday rolls around, I grudgingly run down to the 'Toys R Us' and buy my family

                          their gifts, and year after year grow more resentful of the farce. Here I am, an admitted Agnostic, buying cheap

                          toys from China, to celebrate the Christian King. It annoys the hell out of me. What, in the name of being normal,

                          am I doing buying toys from an Atheist nation (China), for my Agnostic children, to enable them to feel

                          comfortable around Christians.



                          As a nation, we have gone from Mass-penitent to mass hypocrisy.



                          Little wonder, when this Friday comes, and Black Friday is the national cry of the consumer, I am dis-concerned

                          and just plain bad company. Especially so when the politicians tell me there is something wrong with China because

                          they have gotten filthy rich from selling us cheap toys to celebrate the Christian King. This is the point that this Irish

                          raised kid fondly recalls his fathers words,



                          "Get your butt outside and play, and don't let the screendoor hit you in the ass, and don't come back til dinner." To say the least.



                           As a matter of fact, if your in my home and you try to tell me that Christmas in all it's commercial glory is

                           somehow China's fault, I will make sure the screendoor hits you in the ass.


                                                                                                                                                         ~William Marshall  Moseley

I cannot confirm or deny this incident, stating the obvious.


I am certain I would enjoy perusing the forensic evidence, now that the case is public.


U.S. charges China’s Huawei with racketeering and conspiracy to steal U.S. trade secrets in new indictment

Prosecutors also detail new allegations about the tech giant’s business ties to North Korea

As is their privilege.


Dear Eggsy,


                         Greta Thunberg awaits...

I count two political parties and an entire nation (U.S.) that hasn't learned a damn thing.


Mass Acceleration



   Governments cannot compete with or reconcile with the yellow journalism that pervades not just the

   media in general, but is and has focused on geopolitics.  This is magnified by inept attempts by many

   governments to make media appearances to correct this, and in at least one case, a government that

   attempts to take advantage of this, and fails badly.  There is little that can be done about irresponsible

   journalism when it holds the governmental process hostage.  If there is to be no intellectual attempt

   to legislate a solution then one must face the inevitable conclusion that media interference in government

   affairs will certainly lead to less suitable international relations and less suitable governments.


   One would argue by reason: Terrorists do not engage without media coverage. Terrorists get media

   coverage, the media sells soap, and governments go bankrupt attempting to correct the situation.


   For China the issue of control over the media is not an issue, yet.  Within a

   decade it will be.  China cannot merge with Democracy without sacrificing

   some of the standards it currently enforces. This is a known factor, and has

   been, at least here, for some time.  With Democracies, this is a much different

   issue. Although the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, it does not

   address the problems faced more than 230 years later. And no amendment

   can correct that. Monarchies are free to do as they choose, and have, as yet,

   done little, even in defense of dead schoolgirls whose phones have been hacked.


   What is to be done to ensure peace and governmental liberties?

   The answer is simple, and again, has been known here for some time.


   All governments will eventually, at some point, see the wisdom of managing their own media;

   with the wisest choice being the management and control of their own networks.


   *It is not implied nor should it ever be inferred that China should abandon it's peaceful society

   and peaceful government in support of increasingly violent Democracy.  While yellow journalism

   persists in accusations, at no time in China's 5000 year history has it shown aggression to the

   outside world. To the contrary, a Wall stands in place to ensure aggression does not invade them.



   Reason is dead, long live broadcasters.


                          ~ W. Marshall Moseley


   Pathetically, both the Terrorists and the media have flourished under American Leadership.


                           ~ W. Marshall Moseley

March 21ST.

Contrary to Republican Belief that the World revolves around them...


Mass Acceleration Governments cannot compete with or reconcile with the yellow journalism that pervades not just the media in general, but is and has focused on geopolitics. This is magnified by inept attempts by many governments to make media appearances to correct this, and in at least one case, a government that attempts to take advantage of this, and fails badly. There is little that can be done about irresponsible journalism when it holds the governmental process hostage. If there is to be no intellectual attempt to legislate a solution then one must face the inevitable conclusion that media interference in government affairs will certainly lead to less suitable international relations and less suitable governments. One would argue by reason: Terrorists do not engage without media coverage. Terrorists get media coverage, the media sells soap, and governments go bankrupt attempting to correct the situation. For China the issue of control over the media is not an issue, yet. Within a decade it will be. China cannot merge with Democracy without sacrificing some of the standards it currently enforces. This is a known factor, and has been, at least here, for some time. With Democracies, this is a much different issue. Although the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, it does not address the problems faced more than 230 years later. And no amendment can correct that. Monarchies are free to do as they choose, and have, as yet, done little, even in defense of dead schoolgirls whose phones have been hacked. What is to be done to ensure peace and governmental liberties? The answer is simple, and again, has been known here for some time. All governments will eventually, at some point, see the wisdom of managing their own media; with the wisest choice being the management and control of their own networks. *It is not implied nor should it ever be inferred that China should abandon it's peaceful society and peaceful government in support of increasingly violent Democracy. While yellow journalism persists in accusations, at no time in China's 5000 year history has it shown aggression to the outside world. To the contrary, a Wall stands in place to ensure aggression does not invade them. Reason is dead, long live broadcasters. ~ W. Marshall Moseley Pathetically, both the Terrorists and the media have flourished under American Leadership. ~ W. Marshall Moseley

Welcome to the neighborhood.

In 1968, Dr. Fauci joined the National Institutes of Health

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was launched in 2000

Sir Elton John became more closely associated with AIDS charities following the deaths of his friends Ryan White in 1990 and Freddie Mercury in 1991, raising large amounts of money and using his public profile to raise awareness of the disease. He founded the Elton John AIDS Foundation in 1992 as a charity to fund programmes for HIV/AIDS prevention, for the elimination of prejudice and discrimination against HIV/AIDS-affected individuals, and to provide services to people living with or at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. This continues to be one of his passions. In 1993, he began hosting his annual Academy Award Party, which has become one of the highest-profile Oscar parties in the Hollywood film industry and has raised over US$200 million.

Covid-19 is the 'new kid on the block' in terms of infectious disease.


For these people, it is another day at the office.


In the midst of a global healthcare crises, it is important to do all you can to help and work to solve the crises together.  It is equally important to observe the crises in order to solve and prevent future crises.

The smiling paradox.

Philanthropic or shrewd?  You decide.

Photos of the Giant Warehouse in Jessup Maryland;











This photo in 2009.




















This photo in 2019

Wouldn't this be a wonderful place to stockpile N95 masks or ventilators?

What the hell is going on you ask....  Halfway between D.C. and Baltimore....

Sales and Use Tax

Every state that has a sales tax also has a use tax on the purchase of goods and services as defined by law. State sales taxes apply to purchases made in Maryland while the use tax refers to the tax on goods purchased out of state.

Businesses in Maryland are required to collect Maryland's 6 percent sales tax and or 9 percent alcoholic beverage tax from you whenever you make a taxable purchase.

Every time you purchase taxable tangible goods from businesses outside of Maryland, whether in person, over the phone, or on the Internet, the purchase is subject to Maryland's 6 percent use tax or 9 percent alcoholic beverage tax if you use the merchandise in Maryland. Maryland's use tax protects Maryland businesses from unfair competition. Local businesses would be at a competitive disadvantage if consumers were entitled to a 6 or 9 percent discount on items purchased from out of state businesses.


If the federal government stockpiles, it is tax exempt.  If a corporation stockpiles, it is subject to taxes.


This entire discussion becomes irrelevant if you simply chime in with 'we can get it cheaper in China'.

Dr. Toffler, I presume?





A person whom also graces the page On Columbine is the esteemed columnist Leonard Pitts.


                                                                 His column is here, and relevant to March's posts.

May, June, July

July  Fourth

Seventy five years...


Sans expletives, the CIA is blessed; I would stop shooting soldiers and shoot the CIA.

                                                      ...then wonder if it would take another 40 years for

                                                         the CIA to figure that out...



The Thesis of Catch 22 (available on Youtube for 3.99) is participating in an endeavor that might get you killed. Similar to our Covid-19 predicament.




26652.33                             -353.51

10461.42                              244.71

  3235.66                                40.36

Well, there's that.



'Grow the fuck up!'  Those were my father's words.


Talk to Bushie about the rest of that story.

Tell me again about how this project got pushed, because,

like many, we are just trying to keep up.

9-02  Late post:



                           Re:  Cable News

                           What I just said vs. what I am saying.

So what do we do now? What’s our strategy? Over the past four years, a lot of people have asked me, “When others are going so low, does going high still really work?” My answer: Going high is the only thing that works, because when we go low, when we use those same tactics of degrading and dehumanizing others, we just become part of the ugly noise that’s drowning out everything else. We degrade ourselves. We degrade the very causes for which we fight.


But let’s be clear: Going high does not mean putting on a smile and saying nice things when confronted by viciousness and cruelty. Going high means taking the harder path. It means scraping and clawing our way to that mountaintop. Going high means standing fierce against hatred while remembering that we are one nation under God, and if we want to survive, we’ve got to find a way to live together and work together across our differences.


And going high means unlocking the shackles of lies and mistrust with the only thing that can truly set us free: the cold hard truth.

Michelle O'Bama  DNC Speech  2020

via LA Times

What is the point of a speech when the press spins the narrative?  What is the point of having a narrative

when Congress allows the press such liberties?


Trump has stripped America of it's dignity.  It started in '15/16 when he began his run.  It will not stop.


But America allows this to compound itself when it allows a free for all in the press.

May 26, 2014



Mass Acceleration




   Governments cannot compete with or reconcile with the yellow journalism that pervades not just the

   media in general, but is and has focused on geopolitics.  This is magnified by inept attempts by many

   governments to make media appearances to correct this, and in at least one case, a government that

   attempts to take advantage of this, and fails badly.  There is little that can be done about irresponsible

   journalism when it holds the governmental process hostage.  If there is to be no intellectual attempt

   to legislate a solution then one must face the inevitable conclusion that media interference in government

   affairs will certainly lead to less suitable international relations and less suitable governments.


   One would argue by reason: Terrorists do not engage without media coverage. Terrorists get media

   coverage, the media sells soap, and governments go bankrupt attempting to correct the situation.


   For China the issue of control over the media is not an issue, yet.  Within a

   decade it will be.  China cannot merge with Democracy without sacrificing

   some of the standards it currently enforces. This is a known factor, and has

   been, at least here, for some time.  With Democracies, this is a much different

   issue. Although the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, it does not

   address the problems faced more than 230 years later. And no amendment

   can correct that. Monarchies are free to do as they choose, and have, as yet,

   done little, even in defense of dead schoolgirls whose phones have been hacked.


   What is to be done to ensure peace and governmental liberties?

   The answer is simple, and again, has been known here for some time.


   All governments will eventually, at some point, see the wisdom of managing their own media;

   with the wisest choice being the management and control of their own networks.


   *It is not implied nor should it ever be inferred that China should abandon it's peaceful society

   and peaceful government in support of increasingly violent Democracy.  While yellow journalism

   persists in accusations, at no time in China's 5000 year history has it shown aggression to the

   outside world. To the contrary, a Wall stands in place to ensure aggression does not invade them.






   Reason is dead, long live broadcasters.




                          ~ W. Marshall Moseley




   Pathetically, both the Terrorists and the media have flourished under American Leadership.




                           ~ W. Marshall Moseley

Here's a quarter kid, call someone who cares.

A line made famous long ago by actor Edward G. Robinson.   When China moved forward on Hong Kong, it may have appeared in the distinctly American yellow press as an attack on our extremist Democracy; but it was more than that.   More to that to Asians and Europeans.



Great Britain made their exit of the 100 year lease on Hong Kong in 1999, and they left having words between the Royals and the Chinese government.   That relationship is undefined here.


More significantly, and beyond western Democracy's yellow press, there was a message, 20 years had lapsed between the time the English left and the current state of affairs.  There was no improvement.


If the Chinese government want to raise the issue of Hong Kong, I simply refer them to Prime Minister Johnson, whom most notably, survived his bout with Covid.


I don't believe most Asians see Hong Kong as much more than what America sees in Detroit.  I have pointedly raised the issue,  Taiwan is not up in arms about Hong Kong, and not in a comparable situation.


It is difficult to believe that that China's interests in securing Hong Kong is only about Democracy.


Ask Marilyn

Parade, Ask Marilyn.  January 5th., 2020

Is there a word for a person who does not accept facts that challenge his or her beliefs?


—Stephen Gibbs, Colton, California


Yes, and it’s “normal.” The great majority of people share this trait, especially: (1) those who were taught the beliefs by parents or teachers; and (2) those who want very much for their beliefs to be true, no matter what. The more these beliefs define your life, the more you will spin everything your way. Prime examples are politicians. Yet, in their defense, I feel confident they don’t realize it! To become a thinker instead of a believer, a fundamental step is to disassociate yourself from any political party.

Toner E, Barnill A, Krubiner C, et al. Interim Framework for COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation and Distribution in the United States. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security; 2020.

linked to the PDF

If we named the premier Covid vaccine Snowflake, would the US government be more interested?



Ewww!  More pandemic reading.  Not translated into the Greek by anyone so far...

Also, by Heller- the screenplay -Casino Royal '67.



I'll be dammed if it doesn't look like someone used crayon on the front cover.


In light of the pandemic, the subject is retired.


Notes On Recidivism

In light of the pandemic, the subject is retired.

Not everyone has twenty or more years in Virology, in fact the Gates Foundation was created in 2005.  Dropping all pretenses, the Vaccine shoulda coulda woulda been granted FDA approval on November 21ST.  Doing so would not have changed the immediate

death rate, it would have given immediate immunity to tens of thousands of health care workers, our front line.  Perhaps-unhappy health care workers, doing their job despite the conditions that proceeded the pandemic.  Conditions that could go on for years afterwards.


Let us not overlook the fact that it was Pfizer and not Dr. Fauchi that submitted the request.




We can be certain about this -            This is a global crises.

                                                            Elements of this crises existed before the pandemic.


                                                           The pandemic will not end.   Not until every human on the planet is vaccinated.  Just like polio.


Sir and Lady Gates


                I can point to any number of archived interviews that were

                more contentious than imaginable between the Gates and

                various entities and persons in the greater NYC area.


Is legacy status an entitlement?


Asking for a friend.